Where you belong

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Requested by @MeganDare hope you like it

She had clearly been taken by force and he was freaking out, he nearly destroyed the gate with the words "good for nothing shit! Waste of our precious time building something to keep us safe just to have it backfire!" He growled having his sister pulling him away, but nobody blamed him considering his wife and future child had practically been stolen out of his grasp in mere seconds while he went to get some medicinal herbs for her constant vomiting and really he just blamed himself, "I have to go find her! They need me! I need them!" And with those words tumbling from his lips he rampaged through the woods in search of his heavily pregnant, blond and stubborn wife. As for her she was constantly fighting seeing as they wanted to take her first child from her, they couldn't care less about her, all their leader wanted was her baby, mainly because it was the first born out of the sky people onto this horrid planet and also as a payment for all the lives they took, not like it was their fault, they attacked them first with no real reason, their reason was something they couldn't even control let alone they didn't even know people still existed here. A good five days passed and Bellamy was brought back to camp by Octavia telling him he needed rest, "I can't rest O! That's my wife and baby in their hands!" He growled, "and that's my sister in law and future niece or nephew" she growled back making him sigh in understanding, I mean it is her family too, and that's when it happened "OPEN THE GATES!" They heard the guards yell and the two siblings ran out to see what was going on, that was until Bellamy saw a strand of gold hair, "Clarke?" He ran towards her only seeing a small glimpse of her face, "Clarke!" He smiled as he ran but then he saw the blood, it was all over her, on her face, on her body, bruises stained her face as well and that's when he finally reached her, "Clarke?" Tears started streaming down her eyes slightly cleaning her face, "Bell" she whispered barely audible when a small cry made him look down at her arms, "it's a boy" she whispered handing the small boy she had given birth to a few hours back, their baby, their son, he took the bundle of furs in his arms seeing the boy stretch around and finally find comfort in his arms just in time for his mother to fall to the ground in a blackout, "CLARKE!" He yelled, he carefully gave his son to Octavia and told her to take care of him while he took care of Clarke. A good two days passed when she finally woke up, "Bell?" She whispered in a raspy voice, "hey, I'm right here, I'm right here" he whispered holding on tightly to her hand, "where's the baby?" She slightly panicked, "don't worry O is taking care of him for us" he smiled gripping onto her hand tighter, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" he whispered as he cried onto their entwined hands, Clarke slowly racked her other hand through the dark curls she so desperately missed, "it's all my fault" he cried, "no Bellamy it's not, they wanted our baby because they knew it was the first baby to be born here out of our people, it could have happened to any one of us" she soothed, "why did they even want our baby?! They have their people and kids!" He growled, "apparently it was a form of payment for the lives we've taken over the years, they thought we actually made a baby to pay them that" she scoffed, "and let MY CHILD let alone any other child of our people, but in this case MY CHILD be raised by those beasts instead of its loving real none monster like parents! They must be missing a screw or ten" he growled, "and look what they did to you, they're gonna pay for this" he was practically thirsty for bloodshed, "Bellamy" she soothed taking his hands, "I got beat and battered protecting our little boy and not letting them take him away from me, or us, I wasn't going to let them have him any more than you, I protected my baby and I will keep protecting him till the end of me" she smiled making him smile before he gently kissed her bruised lips and pressed his forehead to hers. Later that day they were finally able to reunite with their newborn son, the happy couple made it back to their small cabin home together, "what should we name him?" He asked her, "how about Brooklyn?" She suggested, "how did you even come up with that?" He asked kind of curious at the strange name, "I saw a sign passing the woods in front of our camp that said 'welcome to Brooklyn" she smiled, "thought maybe name him after the place where he truly and will always belong" he smiled at her explanation nodding slightly, "alright Brooklyn Blake it is" he smiled and so did she when they heard a small giggle also seeing the bright toothless smile on their little boy's face.

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