Say yes

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When did he do it? How did he do it? What did he say? These where the question surrounding Clarke's atmosphere ever since she got engaged, giver take nobody thought the young couple would actually admit to anything in public and at the beginning of their relationship it was a secret between the two or else they would never hear the end of it and now... she's not hearing the end of all the upcoming wedding related questions. "Oh come on Clarke nobody was there to see it, we wanna know how it all went down!" Octavia wined at her future sister in law "I know my brother is a romantic so he probably did something cheesy" she smiled while Clarke rolled her eyes, "can't you just be glad that we're finally together?" She questioned the young lady next to her who looked at her with a smirk "was it during some enticing nighttime events" she wiggled her eyebrows making Clarke giggle "no calm down woman, it was simple and you're just gonna find it boring so I rather not say anything" Octavia looked at Clarke puzzled, "please just please tell me!" Clarke sighed at her currently very annoying friend. "Fine, it was a couple of weeks ago..."

Clarke was currently sitting at her studio making some art pieces for the new house she has to redesign when a tall figure wrapped their strong arms around her "You know princess you'll get a hunch if you keep up that fetal position" he chuckled and she sighed "I'm really tired from all this work can you blame me?" She pouted as he showed her the bag of Chinese take out making her eyes sparkle "you're the best Bellamy!" She smiled "I know" he smirked, as she reached out to grab the bag he pulled it out of her reach giving a wider smirk, "where's my reward kiss?" His smirk widened and she pouted, "I take it back, you're a jerk, letting your girlfriend starve after hard labor" she puffed her cheeks looking away from him making him chuckle before ducking and capturing her lips with his, "here you go, princess, all yours" he smiled and so did she "wait aren't you going to eat with me?" She questioned with a pouty look on her face "I already ate, so I'm just gonna sit here and watch you stuff your face" he gave her a closed eye smile as he sat on the stool by the table, she gave him a goofy smile as she sat down to eat. As Bellamy had said she was stuffing her face entirely, considering she hadn't eaten anything since the night before it would make complete sense, he sat in front of her left hand supporting his chin when he decided it was time, he took the box with the ring from his pocket with his right hand and slid it across the table to Clarke as she took a sip of her water and simply said "marry me?" She nearly choked on her water but she swallowed it coughing intensely "WHAT?!" She asked eyes wide and full of disbelief, "you heard me, marry me? If there's one thing I know for sure Clarke is that I love you and I'm sure as hell done waiting, I want to live in the present with you, not dwelling in the past thinking what was or scared of the future of what could be, all I know is that I want you, us here and now" he gave that irresistible smile that would always make her heart melt "oh Bell, that's so... I don't even know what to say" she smiled tears brimming her eyes, "I've always prayed for this happy day, I love you, Clarke, I've always waited for you, so will you say yes?" He asked holding her hand across the table and sliding the ring onto her finger "God yes!" She said letting out a breath she was holding as well as the happy tears that he softly whipped away with his thumb before leaning across the table to kiss her smiling lips with his. Bellamy was quite romantic indeed. "And that's how that happened, happy" when Clarke looked back from the clothes she was folding she found Octavia in tears "I knew he was a romantic but damn I didn't expect you to hit my feels this hard, so cute" Clarke smiled at her friend "yes he is" as she turned around the man of the hour had stepped in the room, "I'm home" he said leaving his shoes by the door, "I brought take out" he smiled looking at his beautiful fiancé walking up to her and pecking her lips, "hey" he smiled "hey" she smiled making him chuckle before looking up at his sister being a crying mess, "what happened to O?" He asked his soon to be wife but before she could say anything Octavia cut her off "I'm just so proud of you" she cried making him look at her quizzically, "right, I'm gonna go take a shower and change be back in a bit" he walked away kissing Clarke's cheek and leaving the two girls alone, "I hope I get proposed to that way someday" she smiled at Clarke as she chuckled "just remember if he's truly worth it, just say yes" she smiled at Octavia who nodded with an even brighter smile on her face.

Again so sorry I don't update so often, my creative juice has been drying out with the amounts of essays and scripts I've had to write and rewrite for my classes these past few months, but I'm holding on and hopefully I will give you guys the finalizing chapters of this book soon, so please be patient, I know it's a pain when you don't get frequent updates but I will try my hardest to give you guys those chapters you've been waiting so long for. Also thank you so much for reading and enjoying all of the content, from other authors to my own stories, I'm glad you've all enjoyed this so much.

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