Wild party gone right

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When they first met it was a high school party at a cornfield, she was drunk off her ass and he was looking for his little sister who snuck out that night and the party was getting busted by the cops in a matter of minutes he was wandering aimlessly through the field when he saw Clarke with a beer in her hand surrounded by a bunch of guys who were mere seconds away of taking advantage of her drunken state, she tried pushing them away but she could bearly stand upright, "hey!" He yelled grabbing the guys attentions, "leave her alone!" He growled, "or what?" On snapped "yeah what are you gonna do about it?" The snark comments made Bellamy's top blow and soon all that could be seen were his flying fists pounding in the boys' faces, Clarke was shocked but also half conscious, "hey you ok?" He asked her standing right in front of her just in time to catch her in his arms as she fell unconscious, "just great" he sighed as he picked her up and carried her on his back, a few minutes passed and the cops showed up, and that's when Bellamy started to panic, he still hadn't found Octavia and was worried sick, "shit what am I gonna do?! I can't keep carrying her around if I'm gonna find O!" He grumbled but he thankfully saw O at that time right across from them, "O!" He yelled repeatedly towards her eventually getting her attention away from the running teens, she made her way towards her brother but the cops weren't far behind, so they quickly hid in the tall crops and started walking away towards his pick up truck, "what's with blondie?" Octavia whispered, "she was about to get raped so I beat up the guys but she was too drunk to stay awake" he stated once they finally reached the truck, "Bell we can't leave the gang behind" Octavia worried making him sigh, "why did you even sneak out in the first place?! This is exactly why I didn't want you coming here!" He snapped, Clarke slowly woke up to the sound of the siblings' fight, "what's going on?" She whispered, "good you're finally awake princess" he snapped, Clarke blushed a bit realizing she was on the back of the guy who's basically insulting her but soon removed that thought from her head only recognizing him as a total dick, even if he was good looking and he saved her life "excuse you?" She snapped as he let her fall to the ground on her ass, "ouch!" She whined, "nothing, look you guys stay here and I'll get the rest of the gang, as soon as everyone is here drive off even if I'm not here, get everyone out of this mess you understand O?!" He said giving Octavia the keys, "but what about you?" She asked worriedly, "I'll be fine" he said kissing the top of her head, "promise" were his last words before running off, Clarke hot on his heels, "hey you gotta stay here" Octavia yelled after her but Clarke was going after Bellamy to give him a piece of her mind, "hey you! Stop!" She yelled after him, "what are you doing I told you to stay over there with my sister!" He snapped, "you're not the boss of me!" She spat back, "I'm just trying to keep you safe ok, I don't need people standing in the way of saving my friends! Especially some drunk ass princess!" He snapped leaving her a bit shocked, but that wasn't enough to shake her off, "hey! You have no right to be rude and call me names! I haven't done anything bad to yo..." She was cut off by his hand to her mouth covering it as he threw both of their bodies to the ground behind the crops as the cops kept running after wild teenagers, "this is the second time I save your life tonight so do me a favor and save your nagging for some other time, when we don't have to be worried about getting arrested" he growled. Bellamy was able to send everyone to the truck thankfully but as he tried to get back safely and not get caught with Clarke on his heels they almost got trampled by running teenagers, well she got trampled and knocked to the ground, he was able to get out of the way in time, "shit, we're not gonna make it in time" he grumbled as he picked her up and placed her on his back for the second time tonight, he carefully ran away from the busted party dodging the cops ever so carefully but unfortunately he had to find his way back home from the woods with a sleeping Clarke on his back, by now it was eight in the morning and he was finally a few meters away from the main road and Clarke was finally waking up, "what's going on" she grumbled, "morning princess" he smirked "you!" She yelled surprised pushing herself off his back and landing on the floor once again on her ass, she winced at the pain as he offered his hand to help her up, but she just shook him off, "I can handle myself thanks" she snapped, "whatever you say princess, although I doubt it considering that I had to rescue you three times last night" he smirked as he walked off, "hey! Quit calling me princess you ass! And don't just leave me stranded here!" She yelled after him, "first I'm not leaving you stranded you can walk and follow perfectly fine and second you should be greater full princess, it's also clear you can't live without me recently but I'm sure you'll be able to 'handle yourself'" he laughed as he kept walking down the road, "hey!" She yelled after him, making him stop in his tracks and turn towards her, "what now" he grumped, "sorry and thanks" she mumbled, "I'm sorry what?" He smirked, "thanks for saving me last night and I'm sorry I was such a bitch" she grumbled, "I'm sorry did I hear right and did the princess just apologized and thanked me all at once? That sure must have taken your pride" he snorted, "can you be serious for five seconds? Ugh!" She grumbled, making him snort again, "chill princess, you're welcome and it's all good" he smiled and turned towards the road once more and kept walking as she smiled following behind him. Ever since then their relationship slowly grew and sometimes fell apart but always glued back together on its own, tonight they were having a squad movie night at Jasper's and Monty's place, Clarke needed a ride and Bellamy was the only one leaving so he took her back to her apartment and that's when their relationship escalated, "you can come inside if you want" and with that invitation everything began, that morning they where tangled in a mess of blankets and two naked bodies, the second time they slept together they were already dating, she was placed on top of the car he was fixing and his greased stained hands stained her dress' waistline, but she didn't really care at that moment. A week later she was vomiting her guts out, however, it didn't take her long to figure out what was wrong with herself and Bellamy had actually taken the news very well, "Really?! Wow! That's great!" He smiled, "you're not mad" she asked still worried, "Clarke I love you no matter what and this little guy only makes me love you more" he smiled at her making her smile, "it could be a girl you know" she laughed, "whatever it is I'll always love you and the baby, there is no one else in this world I would rather start a family with" he smiled making her cry of joy, nine months later their little boy was born and they couldn't be happier except for their wedding that took place about five months later when Clarke got her figure back and their little Blake could finally walk, every night Bellamy thanks Octavia for sneaking out that night, not that he would ever tell her that, but if it wasn't for that, Bellamy would have lost the future he now holds so dear, a life he wouldn't give up for anything in the world and that's what mattered the most to him.

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