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Requested by @MeganDare hope you like it

"You mawke a pwetty pwincess" he says with that Blake grin that would eventually grow into a smirk as he grows older "thank you pwince Bellamy" she bowed, "Cwarke we awe fwiends, you dwon't need to cwall me pwince" he laughed and she smiled. They were the closest friends this kind on had ever known, even if she was destined to be his hand made someday until he died, since her family has served his for generations and her mom was currently his mom's handmaiden, even if he was destined to be with someone else that didn't really stop them from falling for each other, "my mommy is having another baby" he pouted "That's good, you'll have a little brother or sister to play with" she smiled, "yeah but I'm scared I'll hurt them" he looked down in disappointment, little six-year-old Clarke put a hand on little Bellamy's shoulder and turned him towards her, "I believe in you Bellamy, you'll be an amazing big brother" she smiled lifting his spirit along with the sides of her mouth. "I love you" he whispered in her ear on their secret spot in the gardens, she smiled and blushed looking at her hands, he lifted her chin up and smiled, "don't hide your beauty from me" that just made seventeen year old Clarke blush even harder, "soon you'll be running this kingdom, I can't be the one by your side" she sighed, "yes you will, I'll make sure of it" he smirked, and that just made her blush harder such beautiful young love, now he's twenty one and assuming the throne and she's twenty and serving his every need with a serious face, ever since he had turned twenty it had ruined their friendship of sneaking off and being free with all the paperwork and classes, he was sick of it, and she couldn't stand seeing him this unhappy, so whenever nobody looked and they were alone she would make him smile again, but that wasn't often since she wasn't allowed to direct a single word to him anymore unless he asked for it, and since they're mostly apart he never does anymore, it was painful for both of them, they sometimes feel like their past is forgotten that was until one night. Clarke cleaned his room and was placing the freshly cleaned pillows on his bed when he walked in, they were both a little shocked not having to see each other in so long and that's when his tears began to fall, with all the pressure and finally seeing the light of his life after so long just overwhelmed him, "Bell, why are you crying?" She asked wiping away his tears with her hand and then leaving it to rest on his beautiful face, he placed his large hand over hers slowly leaning into her touch which he missed so much, "I've just missed you" he smiled and so did she before hugging him tight as if to let him know she'll always be there for him, "promise me you'll visit me every night, I bearly see you in the day anymore, I want to be around you but everyone just wants to rip me to pieces, I need you, princess" he whimpered and she smiled, "I promise Bell" she said before he leaned down to kiss her full on the lips to seal their promise, it brought back the memory of their first kiss in that garden after he said he would make sure she'd be the one by his side running this kingdom, she was blushing again at her hands so he had lifted her chin one last time bringing their lips to seal together, when they broke apart for air he whispered to her, " with this kiss I promise you I'll make you my queen, because you're the only girl for me" they smiled at each other so full of hope and love, now here they where repeating that kind of kiss. Clarke kept her promise and visited Bellamy every night, and every night their relationship once again blossomed to what it used to be until one night it passed their expectations when she woke up naked in his arms, "Bell" she whispered "hmm" he hummed holding her close and burying his face in the crook of her neck, "Bell wake up" she whispered again causing him to finally wake up, "I could get used to waking up to that sweet voice" he smirked before kissing her lips making her giggle, "I have to get back to work" she pouted, "I know princess" he sighed helping her get up and dressed, "I'll see you tonight beautiful" he smiled and kissed her lips one last time before she headed out the door carefully with a wild smile on her face. A week passed and Clarke fell ill Abby was very worried and so was Bellamy since he couldn't see her, one more week passed and after not receiving her period Clarke knew what had gotten her, thankfully she felt better with occasional motion sickness which she hid well from others, others except Bellamy, but it wasn't until she began showing that he was fully certain, he confronted her that night "you're pregnant aren't you?" He said softly and gently scared that she would run or hurt herself and the baby, she only nodded truly scared of the outcome, he chuckled getting down on his knees in front of her while she sat on a wooden chair, "Clarke" he said brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear and leaving his hand there for comfort, "will you marry me" her head shot up at his eyes wide and watery, "I promised you one day I would make you my queen and that day is today beautiful" with his smile wide and his heart on his sleeve she let her small body fall on his crying her eyes out while she nodded wildly. Months passed and when the time had finally arrived she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, that was until the contractions hit again and she had to healthy baby girls, they agreed on the names Ryan, Calista and Sky for their bundles of joy which provoked the biggest party their kingdom had ever seen for their new prince and Princesses', they never once stopped loving each other because they were just meant to be.

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