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"Hey, mom? I'm taking Danny to the park ok?" The young Blake yelled from the entrance while holding onto his younger brother's stroller, "alright be careful and keep your phone on" his mother yelled from the kitchen, "will do" he responded before heading out, considering their father won't be home until three to four in the afternoon and seeing his mom carry out all the house chores, Damon usually took care of his younger brother, not that he had anything against it, he loved the cute little five-year-old they were inseparable even with him being twelve years older but he didn't care he was a boy with a big heart for his family one of the biggest values his dad taught them also seeing his mom so busy during the week he thought helping her out with little Danny would let her catch her breath every once in a while. "Alright Danny, where do you wanna go first?" He asked the little boy getting out of his stroller, "swings!" The little one cheered before running straight for the swings where Damon would push him high up until Danny would feel like he was flying, Danny would giggle and cheer making his brother smile, it was truly a brotherly bond, much like their father and aunt. Eventually, Danny found himself in the slides that were connected to many tubes and gizmos, Damon stood there watching over him until a familiar voice made him jump, "hey Damon!" A young girl waved as she walked towards him, "Oh um hey Mira" he blushed and she smiled, "what are you up to today?" She asked standing beside him, "just taking my little brother to the park" he said nervously pointing at a laughing Danny, "aww he's so cute" she cooed at the little boy running towards his big brother, "Damon I'm tired" the young Blake whined as he hugged his older brother's leg, while Mira stared at them in awe, "Mira this is my little brother Danny, Danny this is my friend Mira" Damon introduced them "hey there" Mira waved getting down on her knees to shake his little hand, Danny stared at her with a blank awe stare before saying the one thing that would mortify both teens for life, "are you Damon's girlfriend?" He said with a small turn of the head making both teens blush "ok well looks like you had enough fun for today lets get you home! Bye Mira see you at school!" Damon yelled as fast as he can running like wild horseback to the house with little Danny in toe, once inside the boy slammed the door shut and breathed heavily causing his parents to look up worriedly, "you alright there bud?" Bellamy asked his panting son while little Danny climbed his mom's lap and yelled: "Damon has a girlfriend!" He giggled making his older brother's eyes go wide in shock and his face blush in a deep burning red, "is that so?" His father asked with a smirk, "is she pretty?" Clarke asked their youngest son as he nodded with a smile, "shut up that's not true!" Damon yelled in complete embarrassment, "she's not?" Clarke asked confused, "yes she is" Damon corrected before realizing what he said and covering his mouth, "so when did you plan on telling us?" Bellamy smirked again, "stop that! I do not have a girlfriend ok!" He yelled finally correcting everyone and catching his breath, "but you looove her" his little brother smirked, "shut up!" Damon blushed even more "relax champ, there's nothing wrong with liking a girl" Bellamy chuckled making his son look down, "just forget about it ok? I'm gonna go take a shower" he said heading up the stairs. After his shower and their dinner he was finally ready for bed, he was currently tucking in his little brother, "Damon" little Danny whispered sleepily on his brother's shoulder while he bounced him to sleep, "what?" He asked calmly, "I'm sure she'll like you, you're the best" the little one whispered as his eyes closed and he fell asleep making Damon smile, after putting him in his bed and covering him up he sat watching over him for a bit, "he's not wrong you know" his father said taking a seat next to him, "I hope so" he said quietly, "trust me she'll like you, whether she blushes and smiles around you or she's pissed but flustered that defiantly means she likes you" he patted his back, "how do you know that?" Damon asked curiously, "how do you think your mom acted around me? She did all of the above" he smirked "umm, dad" the young boy pointed behind his father where his mother stood and suddenly hit him upside the head, "don't you dare tell them any of that again" she scolded as they walked out of the room, "what it's a good story!" Bellamy argued, "another word and you're sleeping in the dog house" Clarke hissed, with that Bellamy made a zipper motion on his lips, Clarke kissed her son's forehead "good night hon" she said walking back to her room, "night bud" Bellamy ruffled his son's hair "night guys" the young boy said before smiling at the small bickering conversation his parents had before heading to bed. "Oh come one you were totally like that" Bellamy argued, "even if I was don't make it sound like you were some kind of God!" Clarke fired back, "face it babe that's how it was" Bellamy smirked as he tipped Clarke back and whispered in her ear, "right princess?" He smirked again making Clarke twist her mouth in annoyance, "you're lucky you're cute" she huffed before kissing his lips "good night rebel" she whispered in his ear seductively Before she headed to bed leaving her husband standing there shocked and flustered, "no fair!" He whined and tried fighting her on it for the rest of the night, as for Damon, well let's just say the young boy wasn't single anymore after the next day of school.

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