I love my girls

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Requested by @bellarkelover07 hope you like it


To say that Clarke was living a fairy tale was an understatement, more like a fantasy. Two beautiful daughters, five-year-old Bree, and one-year-old Jacqueline. Clarke was currently seven months pregnant and was enjoying a girls day. The girls where in a line fixing each other's hairs by braiding them while Bellamy stood at the room door watching his special girls, "why is it that you all look so cute? I'll never know" he said with a smile and a chuckle before lowering to Clarke's level to kiss her lips, "glad to know you still think I look cute with all this extra weight" she rolled her eyes playfully as she finished Bree's hair, "all done sweetheart" she said kissing the crown of Bree's head, "thanks mommy" Clarke let out a small laugh, "no prob baby girl" with that both Clarke and Bellamy headed to their room, "so how was work?" She asked leaning against their dresser, "nothing much, lots of boring papers, so in other words, my boss taking away precious time I could use to be by the side of my lovely wife and my future child" he sighed but put on a smile as he walked up to Clarke and hugged her, "it's alright we still have two months to go babe, no need to worry, besides I have the girls" she giggled making him smile, "I love that sound" he smirked as did she, "oh really? What other sounds do you like?" She smirked playfully. Bellamy leaned against their dresser and pulled her in front of him so he was hugging her from behind while rubbing her baby bump, "well let's see, I like your giggle, I like your laugh, I like your groan" he smirked before whispering, "and your moan" in her ear making Clarke slap his hand playfully, "but mostly I like your voice" he smiled as she looked at him from her shoulder and smiled. Clarke slowly turned around in his arms and leaned in slowly kissing him, they spent about a minute before, "mommy! daddy! wook!" Jacqueline ran into their room making them smile, "Wait Jac! Your missing your bow!" Bree ran after her little sister placing the small pink bow at the top of her head, "you two will always be my little princesses, just like your mom" he said hugging his daughters close to him in a tight bear hug and Clarke giggled as did the girls, "I gotta love my girls, because so far that's all I'm getting, but I'm not complaining" they all laughed, Bellamy was happy with his girls and if you were to tell him that their next child is a girl he still wouldn't mind. Two months later Bellamy wasn't the only boy in the Blake household anymore.

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