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Requested by @rhiann101 hope you like it

It had been a long nine months and she was still in a critical state, she had caught a nasty virus around her fifth month that could cause horrible complications when the time came to give birth. Now here they where in a hospital room, debating the pros and cons on how this will end, the doctor said if all goes well everyone will be fine, but if even the smallest thing went wrong she would die... And so it did. All she saw was darkness and the heart monitor didn't pick up any vitals from her, everything and everyone seemed to be frozen in time around her as she floated in an endless sea of darkness. "We're sorry to inform you sir but your wife... She didn't make it" with those words he broke down screaming into the air just as the child came into this world with even bigger cries, yet suddenly "bip" everything restarted after everyone was taken out, the baby was now in the nursery, Bellamy was looking at his daughter through the glass window and Clarke was slowly gaining her life. When the doctor came back to write the death diagnosis and saw her rubbing her head with eyes open and the heart monitor beating gently along with her heart, he had taken a few minutes to explain what happened, a few minutes after she found herself behind her husband wrapping her arms around him. He was scared and then he thought 'great now I can see my dead wife' that was until the doctor came towards them, "it's a miracle, something restarted her heart" and with the biggest smile and tears in his eyes Bellamy took a hold of his wife and kissed her right there and then. "Promise me you'll never leave me" he cried, "I'll never leave either of you" Clarke kissed his head with her arms around him comforting him for the sudden loss. She was certified dead for a good six minutes but even in the darkness, she heard two of the biggest reasons she couldn't leave this world just yet.

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