I love my girls part 2

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"He's perfect" Bellamy whispered as he gently bounced their newborn Nicholas in his arms, he gently laid him on his crib as he pulled away Nick balled his tiny fist around his father's fingers making the once cranky Blake smile wide. Bellamy had been the same way with Bree and Jacqueline, he just couldn't believe that he was part of making something so precious and beautiful. "He looks just like you Bell" Clarke said wrapping her arms around her husband and kissing his shoulder blade making him smile, "I love you princess" he smiled, Clarke leaned up and pecked his lips "I love you too Bell" they stood that way, Clarke hugging Bellamy from behind while Nick held onto his father's finger, once the little cutie let go and fell asleep the happy couple walked back to the room across the hall to see their two daughters still playing with their dolls. "Alright, sweethearts time for bed" Clarke clapped her hands and the girls whined, "do we have to?" Bree whined, "I don wanna" Jacqueline scrunched her nose and Bellamy chuckled at his girls, "yes you have to" she picked up Jacqueline from the floor and started tickling her, "what do you mean you don wanna, you wanna!" She tickled her as endless giggles fell from Jacqueline's mouth, "twikle monster!" She squealed in a fit of giggles and soon Bellamy joined in the fun by doing the same to Bree, "daddy stop!" She squealed and when they finally stopped the girls were ready for bed out of breath and still giggling, "goodnight girls love you" Clarke kissed their foreheads and so did Bellamy "sweet dreams little princesses" he whispered as the girls yawned, "good night mommy, goodnight daddy" the girls said in unison before fully falling asleep. Clarke and Bellamy laid in bed cuddling "thank you" Bellamy whispered, "for what?" Clarke asked confused, "thank you for being mine, thank you for giving me three wonderful children, thank you for loving me unconditionally" he smiled kissing her forehead and she smiled, "your welcome, and thank you too" she smiled and he smiled back before kissing her lips sweetly and falling quickly asleep. Bellamy was also living a fantasy, the complete dream.

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