Your sister Your responsibility

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"Can I hold her mom?" Thomas was sitting on the bed with big puppy dog eyes that only made Clarke smile at him. He was now five and had recently become an older brother, much like his father, to a new baby sister. "Of course sweetie, sit back on the bed" as Thomas sat with his back against the headboard, Clarke placed sweet little Zoey in his arms. He looked down at his new baby sister and repeated some words that where all too familiar, "don't worry, I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise" he whispered to his sister, who looked up at him with big curious eyes, "just remember bud, your sister, your responsibility" came his father's voice from the other side of the bed. Bellamy sat down next to his two children, smiling sweetly at them and kissing their foreheads, "we should go to bed, we have a big day tomorrow" came Clarke's tired voice. Soon they were all cuddled together and sleeping the night away. The next morning they were all getting ready for the baby shower. Clarke didn't want to have her baby shower while she was pregnant, mainly because she wanted to be surprised when the baby came, plus she thinks it's odd your celebrating having a baby, without the baby being there for everyone to see, plus this way she was surprised when the baby came and people get the correct gifts for the baby. It was almost done, Clarke and Bellamy were finishing a few more decorations, while Thomas sat with Zoey on a table. Zoey was in her car seat giggling at her brother who was making funny faces at her to make her laugh. Unfortunately, Zoey's giggling state didn't last long as she now needed a change. Her eyes began to water and soon she was crying, but Clarke and Bellamy were to busy to tend to her and also on the other end of the pool, so they really didn't hear their daughter's cries. "Hey Zoey, what's wrong?!" Thomas was panicked by his little sister's crying, when he smelled the stink that came from her diaper, "oh! you need a change" he looked at his parents but noticed they were a bit far into the gazebo, not wanting to have his baby sister crying, it was at that moment he remembered his father's words from last night 'your sister, your responsibility'. "Don't worry Zoey I got this" Thomas got off his chair to take out the things he's always seen his mom use when she's changing Zoey's diaper. Thomas got to work and successfully changing Zoey's diaper. When Thomas was putting the last strap into place, Clarke had walked up to him. "Sweetie, what are you doing?" Clarke looked at Thomas curiously as he set the strap into place, "Zoey started crying cause she needed a diaper change, but you and daddy were too far, so I changed her diaper" he said with a beaming smile, Clarke inspected his work while picking up the now quiet Zoey. "Wow Thomas! You did a fantastic job! Who knew you knew how to change dippers?" She chuckled ruffling his hair and at that moment Bellamy had walked back, "hey, what's going on?" He asked referring to the hair ruffling, "did you know our son knows how to change diapers?" She asked with a smile on her face, "you changed Zoey's diaper?" he asked the smiling boy, "yep" Thomas kept up the bright Blake smile, "by yourself?" His mouth was now agape, "yep! Like you said dad 'my sister, my responsibility'" with that they started laughing. It was good to know that Thomas will always protect his little sister, no matter what.

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