Just like mommy and a little like daddy

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Clarke is one of those moms that loves to dress up her daughter, and Brooke is one of those girls that love to look like her mom. Bellamy would constantly make fun of how paired up they are, but when it comes to fashion, Clarke and Brooke are all over it. Today the girls were going to Clarke's gallery, lunch with Bellamy and dinner with Abby. For Clarke's gallery, they both wore a polka dotted skirt with black shoes and a white shirt. "Alright sweetie ready to go?" Clarke asked her daughter who was walking out of her room towards her mom "ready!" She squealed making Clarke laugh. The girls walked down to the gallery where they help put up some paintings and clean up. "You two always look this annoyingly cute?" Raven asked from the latter where she was fixing the lights, "we're not cute! We're stylish!" Brooke argued making Clarke laugh and Raven chuckled, "I thought you didn't have a Blake bone in your body, guess I was wrong" Raven stated as Brooke grunted "auntie Raven I'm not as grumpy as dad" she argued, "maybe not but you sure are as grumpy as your auntie O and you're defiantly as stubborn as both your parents kiddo" she laughed and Brook just grunted "at least auntie O is also fabulous, so that means that my grumpiness is fabulous too" she stated making Clarke laugh louder, "sweetie, it's ok you'll always be the most fabulous and stylish little girl there is" she kissed the top of her head. When they finished they went back home to change for lunch, both wearing a white sundress with a light blue jean flannel on top. When they walked into the police station they were greeted by everyone, "hi uncle Miller" Brooke squealed running up to hug the man, who picked her up mid-jump, "hey kiddo! Well you look beautiful" he started poking her nose and she giggled, "thanks" she said as he put her down, "hi Miller" Clarke said hugging him, "hey Clarke, Bellamy should be out in a minute his with the supervisor" he explained walking back to his desk "thanks miller" Clarke said after him "no prob" he responded going back to his desk. Soon Bellamy and his supervisor walked out of his office, "DADDY!" Brooke squealed running towards him and being caught in mid-air once more, by her father this time. "Hey baby, you hungry?" He asked his daughter who nodded wildly. Bellamy walked up to Clarke kissing her lips, "are you hungry to princess?" He asked "starved" was her answer. After their lunch Clarke told Bellamy about dinner with her mom tonight, he agreed and soon they were headed back home. As they got home they hurriedly got ready for dinner, Clarke wore a Black dress and Brooke wore a tanned skirt with a peach top. When they made it to Abby's house, they were welcomed with hugs and kisses and many compliments to the girls and their outfits. "Granny Abby, did mom looked like this when she was little?" Brooke asked with curiosity shining on her eyes, "sweetie you are practically a clone of your mom when she was your age, sometimes I almost accidentally call you Clarke instead of Brooke" Abby chuckled as the young girl beamed at her mom. Clarke kissed her forehead, and they continued on with their conversation. It's true that Brooke wanted nothing more than to be like her mom, she was her role model, but her dad was her hero, so she never went to bed after a long day like this without cuddling her dad.

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