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Today was a lovely day, Saturday with no work, sunny and a nice breeze, yeah everything was perfect. Today the Blake family was going to visit another part of their family meaning Octavia, "alright all the bags are in the car, you got everything princess?" He asked from the front door, "just one more person to get Bell" she responded while taking their sleeping daughter in her arms. Soon they were packed and ready and headed to the lake house. "Do you think Molly will be asleep the entire ride?" Clarke asked putting her sleeping two-year-old in her car seat, "I'm sure she will come on let's get going Octavia is waiting and she sure is impatient to see her niece" Bellamy chuckled. "Alright let's go" Clarke smiled getting in the car.

It was a long car ride and as Bellamy predicted Molly stayed silent and sleeping the entire ride. You can't really blame the cutie, she finally learned how to walk yesterday and a baby is adventures, especially after learning how to walk. They were going to the lake house for the celebration of Octavia's birthday. "Imagine the look on her face when she finds out that Molly can walk now" he chuckled, "she's been going crazy about teaching her how to walk like a model and ride a bike, I swear sometimes she wants to replace us as Molly's parents" Clarke laughed at her statement as they turned another left. Molly is a loving girl, she loves everyone, especially her family and she's not afraid to show it. Although Molly has a big attachment to her auntie O, they have that special connection that makes you smile at the sight.

They where pulling into the driveway and taking out their bags, when suddenly a cry came from their vehicle, Bellamy was about to check on her when Clarke held him back, "finish taking out the bags, she's probably hungry" she said kissing his cheek, he smiled and nodded going back to taking out the bags. The sound had alerted Octavia of their presence making her run all the way outside. Clarke was bouncing Molly to calm her cries, before giving her the milk bottle. "Hey, guys!" Octavia yelled making her way towards Clarke and Molly, "hi Clarke" she said kissing her cheek, "hey there sweet pea" she said in a baby voice towards Molly making Clarke laugh and Molly giggle. "Can you hold her while I help out your brother with the bags?" Clarke asked, "yeah!" Octavia responded arms wide open for her niece, Clarke laughed at her sister in law's antics but gave her the giggling child anyway. Octavia followed her to greet her brother, "hey big brother" she said, making him pull away from his current actions, "Hey O" they gave each other a kiss on the cheek before continuing with the luggage. Octavia kept baby talking Molly making her giggle constantly. As soon as everything was inside, they greeted everyone, "hey O! Molly has a surprise for you" Bellamy said with a smirk and one hand around Clarke's waist, "you do?" Octavia directed to the laughing baby in her arms. "Here" Clarke said gesturing for Octavia to give Molly back, she did and Clarke stood on the other side of the room, "you ready?!" Clarke asked in excitement and Octavia nodded in excitement as well. Clarke stood Molly on her legs and balanced her until she was fully standing, "alright baby, look! There's Auntie O! Go to Auntie O!" Clarke encourages Molly, and soon she was off. Octavia smiled proudly at the toddler heading her way and when she finally made it she hugged her tight and kissed her entire face. "You can walk! Molly, you can walk!" Octavia exclaimed, which made everyone laugh. Clarke was a laughing mess at Octavia's actions. Bellamy loved moments like this, everyone laughing, happy and safe, he couldn't really ask for anything more. He made his way behind Clarke wrapping his arms around her while she still giggled at the scene, he smiled at her and lowered his face to her neck, placing a quick kiss to get her attention. "Should we tell her now?" He whispered in her ear, "maybe later I'm kind of getting a craving" she smirked, "is that so? What are you craving this time princess?" He smirked back, "a big bowl of sexy as hell Blake" she whispered the smirk still on her face. Bellamy smiled at her and just kissed her. "Hey O? Could you take care of Molly while Clarke and I unpack?" Bellamy asked breaking the kiss, "duh!" Was Octavia's only response on the matter as they headed upstairs."I think we should tell her now" Clarke said drawing lazy patterns on Bellamy's naked chest. "That can always be our birthday gift to her you know" He chuckled pecking Clarke's lips, she smiled at him and punched his shoulder playfully. "Becoming an aunt for a second time is not exactly a birthday gift Blake" she scolded, "god I have no idea why every time you call me by my last name it sounds so hot" he said kissing her again "focus Blake!" She yelled into his lips. "Alright alright I'll stop, come on we gotta go tell the birthday girl" he said giving her one last kiss before getting up. They made their way downstairs to find Octavia and Molly playing while the rest of their friends were around talking and joking around. "Hey O! Ready for your second present?" Bellamy asked approaching his sister and daughter. "Another one? Wow you went all out this year" she laughed and Clarke smiled as she made her way towards them. "So what's the gift?" Octavia asked with curiosity and excitement in her voice, "how do you feel about becoming an aunt again?" Clarke said with a big smile, while Octavia's eyes where wide in realization, "you're pregnant!" She smiled at Clarke hugging her tight. "Yes, I am" Clarke chuckled, "you know what this means will be in the delivery room at the same time!" And now it was everyone else including Clarke and Bellamy who's eyes were so wide they could pop out of their heads. "Oh yeah, I forgot that was the big announcement I had to make" she giggled nervously. "You're pregnant!" Bellamy practically exploded, "yeah looks like I'm not the only one becoming an aunt or uncle" she giggled, "when did this happen, how did this happen? Ok no, I know how it happens but when?!" Bellamy was about to faint from these shocking news, "well I am married too, Bellamy, it's bound to happen at some point" Octavia responded in a matter of fact voice. Bellamy just fell on the couch like if he just heard his mom was having another baby, but frankly he did raise Octavia, you can't really blame him, besides it's funny to watch. "Bell? Hon, you alright?" Clarke asked worried, "yeah just kind of surprised" he breathed, "I am happy for you O, next time just warn me with anticipation alright?" He breathed, "you got it big brother" Octavia laughed, "we're pregnant, wow" Clarke said giving Octavia a big hug, "guess I'll see you in the delivery room after all" she giggled on Octavia's shoulder, "I'm really happy for you Octavia" Clarke said with a big smile, "Thanks Clarke, I'm happy for you too" they both giggled and everyone focused their attention back on the party. There where congratulations were thrown all around and toast, and everyone just kept laughing and having fun. By the end of the night, everyone was back in their rooms and Bellamy and Clarke were back on their bed with an almost sleeping Molly. "Well, that was a big surprise" Bellamy chuckled, "sure was, what do you think baby?" Clarke asked Molly. Molly looked between her parents and out the door remembering what went down earlier, she crawled towards her mother and snuggled to the side of her stomach while she whispered: "family happy". Clarke kissed the top of Molly's head as did Bellamy, lastly they pecked each other's lips before going to sleep. As the lights vanished, so did the worries, after all this was one hell of a surprise party for everyone.

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