A brand new step

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When they first figured out the situation they weren't scared, they knew exactly what to do and that led to them deciding to actually do this. They were doing this, they were having a baby, even if he hadn't had the chance to pop the question yet and she was constantly thinking about going down to the courthouse and filling out the paperwork to officially call him her's forever and vice-versa. With all that this, this little surprise just completed everything and finished the puzzle for them. Now Clarke was laying in bed with her rounded belly soundly asleep until the noise of the door woke her up, she gently sat up against the headboard and looked up sleepily to see Bellamy walk in with some grocery bags at hand, "how are you feeling" he questioned with a sweet smile walking towards her and kissing her forehead, "We're fine Bell" she smiled sleepily towards him making him smile back before ducking down to place another sweet kiss on her large belly making her rake her hand through his wild locks. "I can't wait to meet you" he whispered to her belly making her giggle before taking his hand and placing it over her belly, "wait for it" she smiled before he felt a small kick against his hand making him smile brightly at her, "I wish we could stay like this, just us" he whispered "and the baby" she pointed out with a smile making him chuckle "of course" he said before going up to kiss her lips and distracting her as much as he could before placing the ring on her finger, when they pulled away he placed his hand on her cheek softly stroking it with his thumb as they shared a loving gaze when she felt the small piece of metal wrapped around her finger, she looked down surprised and back up to see his smile "Bell?" She whispered before he kissed her again for a bit longer this time, "I've been in love with this girl since middle school, even when all we did back then was fight but I was always there for her in all her rough times in hopes that one day I could hold her in my arms and make her mine..." he paused as tears started to brim Clarke's eyes "and now I'm on my knees in front of that same girl who's now carrying my child in hopes that she'll take me for the rest of our days and lets me become her's and only her's..." she was crying, she really couldn't hold them back even if she tried, "so how about it Clarke? Will you marry me?" He smiled whipping some of her tears away as she sniffled from her small sobs of happiness "you know I've always been yours stupid! and you'll always be mine and only mine got it!" She cried and he laughed "so that's a yes?" He asked and she nodded with a small "yes" falling from her whimpering lips before he brought his lips back to hers once again and pulling away with a gentle smile. They were about to start a new chapter in their lives and they really couldn't be happier.

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