Daddy's caps

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Bobbie was quite the sneaky girl, she always liked to take her father's caps and being chased around the house by him while he tried to get it back. "Clarke, have you seen my white cap?" Bellamy asked from their room, Clarke was standing with Bobbie in her arms quietly giggling out in the backyard. "Clarke? Bobbie?" He asked but no one responded. Clarke set Bobbie on the ground as they sneaked up on Bellamy, but unfortunately, they weren't sneaky enough, and Bellamy caught Bobbie in his arms, "so here's the cap thief" he said putting the cap back on his head and started to tickle her. "Alright, you two let's go to the beach" Clarke stated. They all walked through their backyard that leads to the beach. As soon as they sat down Bobbie sneaked behind her dad stealing back his cap and running to the ocean with Bellamy hot on her heels, when she reached the ocean Bellamy picked her up making her giggle wildly, and threw her up in the air and she landed on the water with a big splash, when she resurfaced they both started to laugh like crazy, the day went on like that as Clarke watched them have fun when "ahh!!!!" She heard Bobbie scream in pain, Clarke shot up from her suntanning to look around when she saw Bellamy walking back with a crying Bobbie in his arms, "what happened?!" Clarke was frantic, "she stepped on a piece of glass that was thrown in the ocean" Bellamy stated as he laid Bobbie down on the towel, "it hurts" she cried and sobbed, "it's ok baby I know it hurts, it will stop hurting soon, but we have to take the glass out" Clarke tried calming her daughter who only nodded in understanding with silent whimpers and tears going down her face. "Here use my shirt as a bandage, we'll take you to the hospital when we take it out ok sweetie, everything is going to be ok" he stated. When Clarke removed the glass Bobbie shrieked in pain, they wrapped the shirt around her foot and ran back to the house and headed straight for the hospital. When they got to the hospital, Bobbie came back with twelve stitches on her foot. "Here sweetie, you can wear my cap until that foot heals" Bellamy said kissing Bobbie's forehead, "thanks dad" she smiled. She wore the cap practically everywhere, though after her foot healed, it didn't stop her from taking her father's caps.

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