Road trip set back Part2

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Requested by @siubhanbrown , I hope you enjoy :)

It had been a long drive and by the time Clarke and Bellamy arrived, it was bedtime. They got out of the car, Bellamy taking the sleeping Keith into his arms and Clarke took the sleeping Kian into her arms. Octavia opened the door for them, they decided to get their suitcases in the morning after the long trip, so instead, they went straight for bed.

The next morning Bellamy woke up first along with his sister. As they met in the kitchen he hugged her good morning before beginning to make breakfast. "I'm glad you decided to visit for a while, I really have missed you guys" said Octavia sipping on her coffee, "I'm glad too, we needed more family time" Bellamy chuckled flipping the pancake, "which reminds me do you guys have a soccer ball?" He asked turning to face his sister, "yeah, Jimmy has one, why?" She asked putting her mug down, "Keith was looking for his but couldn't find it before we left, so I figured you might have one" he said turning back to the stove, hearing his sister chuckle. Before he could continue their conversation, he felt two small arms wrap around his waist and a kiss on his spine, "morning princess" he chuckled, "morning" she said in a content sigh before sitting down next to Octavia. As the minutes passed soon everyone was up and eating breakfast, Keith and Jimmy couldn't wait to get Jason and start playing soccer, while Octavia and Lincoln wanted to spend time with Valery and Kian. As soon as everyone filed out and started to plan their day, Clarke and Bellamy simply stood there smirking at each other. "So what does my lovely wife want to do today?" He said walking towards her and hugging her from behind, "I would like to spend a romantic day with my wonderful husband" she smiled as she played with their hands. "Mom? Dad? Can you take Jimmy and me to the park? Jason is going to meet us there" Keith and Jimmy came to view with his play clothes on and ready to go, "sure thing boys, let us change first and we'll take you there" Clarke said going upstairs, "that reminds me Octavia said the soccer ball is in the broom closet" Bellamy said before following Clarke into their room to get changed. After changing & putting on their shoes they headed out the door and towards the park. Soon as they reached the park the boys ran to each other and started passing the ball between them, Bellamy and Clarke watched contently at the boys as they played, they where in a comfortable silence before Bellamy's voice broke their trance, "princess I want to have another baby" this made Clarke's eyes grow wide in shock, "what?" She asked a bit bewildered and mainly just plain surprised. "I want to try for another one, maybe it'll be a girl this time" he said hugging her closer, "do you really mean that Bell?" She asked with tears threatening to fall from her eyes, "hey, hey, why are you crying?" He asked brushing the fallen tears away with his thumb, "Bell I have something I've been meaning to tell you for a while I just didn't know how" she said looking down. Bellamy tipped her face to lock gazes with him, "what's wrong princess?" He asked worry shining in his eyes, "Bell I'm pregnant" she said looking deep into his eyes, "we ARE having another baby" she chuckled tears falling freely down her face. The news made Bellamy smile wildly, kissing her lips with so much passion and lust, they were sure to turn into the new definition of love. A few more hours passed as the kids finished playing and walked towards them ready to go back to the house, "mom! dad! Where ready to... Mom? Are you ok?" Keith's voice suddenly filled with pain and worry seeing his mother in full blown tears, "I'm fine sweetheart, just really really happy" she said kissing his forehead, "why? What happened?" He asked curiously still wondering what could make his mother cry so much, "well kiddo looks like your getting another brother or sister" Bellamy responded making Keith smile, "really?! That's awesome!" He said lunching himself to his parents' arms hugging them tightly. The news of Clarke's new pregnancy traveled like a wildfire, but they couldn't be happier, and after nine long months, the Blake family was happy to welcome their new little girl into their lives.

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