The time we spend together

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Requested by: the100bellarke0

"Aaliyah stop making those silly faces or your face will freeze that way" Clarke yelled at her daughter as the little girl stretched out her cheeks and stuck her tongue out, "but mommy I'm bored" she whined making Clarke roll her eyes. "Sweetie you have to behave here ok, we can't leave until we pick up auntie O" she explained to her daughter who then sat down and waited alongside her mother. Yes, it's true, it's spring break and Octavia or auntie O fun loving extraordinaire is back home visiting her brother, her sister in law and her cute little niece. It's actually uncanny how much Aaliyah looks like her aunt, you can sometimes confuse her for her mother instead of Clarke, but Aaliyah didn't really care, so now here they are waiting at baggage claim in the airport for Octavia Blake. "How much longer?!" Aaliyah whined at her mother, "sweetheart relax she'll be here soon ok" with that Aaliyah slumped back into the chair making a horse noise, a few minutes pass until Aaliyah spotted her aunt and ran into her arms, "auntie O!" She squealed, "Ali! Baby!" She squealed back kissing her entire face and hugging her tight, "I missed you auntie O" Clarke started approaching them, "I missed you too kiddo" Octavia gave Aaliyah one last squeeze before hugging Clarke, "hi Clarke, good to see you again" she said squeezing her tight, "good to see you too O, come on let's get your bags" all three girls headed to the luggage claim to get Octavia's luggage and soon headed home. Once they reached the house Clarke showed Octavia to her room before they all settled on the kitchen counter while Clarke cooked dinner, "so how has my brother been treating you?" She said wiggling her eyebrows making Clarke laugh, "pretty well" she giggled as they both turned to Aaliyah who was playing across the room with some of her dolls, "he's a good dad, you'll never hear me complain about that" she smiled looking at her daughter and just then the front door opened to reveal a smiling Bellamy, "daddy!" Aaliyah yelled running into her fathers' arms, he swiftly picked her up and spun her around making her giggle, "hey baby girl" he kissed the crown of her head, "how was your day?" He smiled, "really good, we picked up auntie O!" She squealed as he tickled her belly and brought her into the kitchen where the two other most important girls in his life stood. He first walked over to Clarke kissing her lips with a small hello and a smile before heading towards Octavia hugging her tightly and kissing her head, "hey baby sis" he smiled "good to see you again" she smiled back "you too Bell" the afternoon went on as they talked, eventually Octavia and Aaliyah were fast asleep, "you know I feel kind of old" he chuckled, "why's that?" Clarke said raising her eyebrow in amusement, "I raised those two, and seeing them together makes me feel old" he said making Clarke chuckle, "you're not that old babe" she smiled coming closer and placing her arms around his neck as she stood up on her tip toes to kiss his plump lips making them both smile like idiots, "you know what princess your right, if I were really that old I wouldn't be able to do this" Clarke looked at him confused before she squealed as he picked her up bridal style and spun her around, "yup still got it" he smiled making her throw her head back in laughter "yeah you still definitely got it" she smiled back kissing his lips again. They ended up falling asleep on the couch while watching a movie while they snuggled up together.

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