Mommy? Where do babies come from?

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The first time this happened they weren't together, in fact, they were pissed at each other. Bellamy and Clarke yelled back and forth over why she left and how she couldn't just expect everyone to forgive her. In the end, they came to the screaming conclusion that they loved each other. That night they sneaked out to have the privacy they needed and a few months later Natalia was born.Natalia is a total sweetheart with everyone, even Murphy. After conceiving Natalia, Bellamy and Clarke decided to stay together, not like they didn't do that threw out Clarke's entire pregnancy. But now it was official, the princess and the rebel were finally a couple. Around three years later they had another one of their escapes and here was Clarke, eight months pregnant, one more month to go and still working. Bellamy would always get mad when he'd find out she has been working all day, but Raven helped with the cover-up. Clarke always took Natalia with her, after all, she wasn't going to leave her daughter alone, not that she didn't trust anyone to look after her, but Clarke is a very protective mother. They were picking up crops, some fruits, and vegetables here and there. Soon Natalia's small voice came to the surface "mommy what is that?" She pointed at Clarke's producing belly, "that's my belly baby" she answered. "Daddy is inside you?!" The small child asked eyes wide and Clarke had to admit she walked into that one. She may or may not call Bellamy 'Belly' whenever their alone or with their small family. "No baby belly as in stomach not daddy" she answered with a smile "why is it so big?" She asked with nothing but curiosity in her eyes and Clarke knew that this was the 'where do babies come from talk' Clarke sighed and stood up from the floor. "Take my hand baby we're going by the bench, this might take a while" Natalia took her mother's hand and followed Clarke's lead. They reached the bench but sat down on the floor for a moment as Clarke began to explain. "You see sweetheart mommy's stomach is really big because there is another baby growing inside mommy's stomach" she said and Natalia tilted her head into more confusion. "A baby? How did the baby get in there?" 'Here goes nothing' Clarke said to herself. "Well honey baby's are made by mommies and daddies" and Natalia just became more confused "how?" She asked with big eyes "well you see mommies have a small egg inside of them called an ovum" she said "ovum that sounds funny" Natalia giggled, 'so far so good' Clarke told herself "yes ovum" she smiled "and daddies have sperm" Natalia scrunched her faced "that sound like what we use on the plants" Clarke laughed "sweetie that's pesticide" Clarke giggled. "Sounds gross mommy" Natalia kept her scrunched up expression as Clarke continued, "well when the sperm and the ovum get combined they create a baby and then it grows in a mommies tummy for nine months and when the baby is ready, mommies give birth and the babies are born into the world" Clarke smiled proudly and happy that her daughter didn't make it into an awkward situation. "But if the ovum is inside a mommy how does the daddy put his stuff on it?" Clarke has two immediate thoughts, the first it's kind of funny how her daughter refers to sperm as 'daddies stuff', and second now it's going to get awkward. "Well baby this is actually a process that I can only explain when you're older, but for now all I'll tell you is that mommies and daddies do the process called sex, which I'll explain with more detail how it's done when you're old enough ok?" She asked hoping her daughter understood that this conversation was informative enough. "That sounds weird" her daughter says referring to the word "but ok you can tell me when I'm old enough mommy". 'Oh thank god!' Were Clarke's only thoughts. They soon stood up and walked down the crops until "MOMMY! MOMMY!" Clarke panicked looking for her child who was right beside her, Natalia pulled at Clarke's skirt and Clarke turned to face her daughter. "MOMMY! LOOK! MY TUMMY IS BIG TOO!" And Clarke smiled in relief knowing her daughter was ok "yes baby but your tummy is filled with food" she poked her daughter's belly "mine has your new baby sibling" Clarke laughed and they walked back to their cabin. As they got there Clarke gave Natalia a bath and tucked her in just in time for Bellamy to get home. When he walked through the door Clarke was headed down the hallway to greet him with a kiss. After pulling away Bellamy kept his hands on her hips, "so how did it go today?" He asked with a smirk. "There is no point in hiding the fact that I'm working on the fields from you is there?" She said wrapping her arms around his neck, "no there isn't but I think it's ok, your only picking out fruits and vegetables and you have Natti to help you, just as long as you promise not to do heavy work" he smiled, she pecked his lips "thank you and I promise" she giggled resting her head on his chest as he rubbed her hair. "But you know aside from berries just the 'mommy where do babies come from?' Talk" Bellamy chuckled at that "and how did it go?" She smiled at the memory "pretty good actually, she stopped before it got too awkward" she laughed and he chuckled "good that huh?" They both chuckled at that and headed off to bed. One month later and they had the new Blake in arms, they named him Blaze, well Octavia named him, she did make Bellamy promise to give her the full right to name his first born male child. A few more years later and Natalia was 15 and on her first period and it was time to finish the 'where do babies come from?' talk like she promised, it went well up to the point where Bellamy came in yelling, "YOU DO KNOW YOU ARE FORBIDDEN TO HAVE SEX RIGHT? AS IN FOREVER!" And the girls laughed at his antics, at least he was a good dad. A few more years and Natalia was 25 and pregnant and Bellamy blamed it all on Clarke. "WHAT!? I thought my daughter with responsibility on how to have sex, Bellamy! And she picked a good age to lose her virginity and get pregnant! Sure I would rather have her be a virgin and not pregnant but it was her decision and she's old enough! And don't be judging because you got me pregnant at eighteen Bellamy Blake! EIGHTEEN! We weren't old or responsible enough! But thankfully we directed our children in the right direction so they wouldn't make the same mistakes!" They kept screaming back and forth until it turned into one of their famous escapes, thankfully this one was baby free. Nine months later and there he was their first Grandson named after his grandfather because he was an exact replica and also because Natalia felt it was the right name to give her son.

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