Let's just forget

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Requested by @MeganDare sorry it took so long hope you like it

It's not like it was loveless at the start but at this point they basically hate each other, well at least they think they do, but to be fair an open marriage in a nuclear planet or in any planet or lifetime is never a good idea especially when only one half of the marriage is the only one taking advantage of that while the other half just doesn't know what to do. It's been this way for at least a year now and around a month back the young blonde had discovered something she thought would be impossible, just because it's an open marriage doesn't mean they haven't banged once or twice, but now here she is one month pregnant and trying ever so hard to get rid of the child because considering the situation they're in she doesn't want to bring a child into it, but it's Clarke so she can't bring herself to do something like that. Now here she is five months along and as you know she hasn't told a living soul, and there he laid on the bed with some random bimbo, the girl scurried before it got worse but the couple stood there paralyzed "I'm pregnant" she blurts out emotionlessly and his eyes suddenly pop out of his head, "WHAT!?" He yells starting to piss her off even more, "Don't worry I'll find a way to get rid of it, I don't want any inconveniences for either one of us" she said hissing, even though she knew she wouldn't comply with what she says, "THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!!! ARE YOU INSANE?!!" And now she couldn't hold back anymore "NO I'M NOT FUCKING INSANE YOU ASS!!! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! EVER STOP TO THINK HOW MEANY OF YOUR OTHER SLUTS ARE IN THIS SITUATION AND DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! I'M SICK OF THIS!" Her tears ran down her face with pure anger while he stood there with a glare that could kill, "knowing me Clarke I won't forgive you for trying to do the most ridiculous decision you've ever made, I let you walk out of here for your little expedition two years ago thinking that would be the last time you'd be such a moron, but I guess I was wrong and you know that if you didn't like something all you had to say was stop, we agreed to this kind of relationship, if you were sick of it all you had to say was stop because you know I will follow your every command without hesitation, so in that sense I'm sorry princess but as for what you did I'll never forgive you" those were his last words laced with the thickets of poisons as he walked out leaving her in a bath of her own tears. Ever since then he keeps watching over her because he still cares obviously, he's just really pissed at her, but he recognizes it's also his fault, she, on the other hand, is just living with her pregnancy through the end. After a good four months it's finally time, problem is his out hunting and she's here pushing, Harper ran out to get him and thankfully found him in time, by the time they got back Clarke was giving her last push to the small infant, cries were heard from the small boy, after a while they left the two parents talk alone and Bellamy found himself apologizing again for his own mistakes, but so did Clarke, "you know I love you right?" He asked with tears in his eyes, "I love you too, but let's just start over, please" she begs with a gentle smile making Bellamy smile after so long, he kissed her lips gently "anything for you princess" he smiled holding her close as they stared down at their little boy letting time pass them by along with their bad memories.

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