Pool day

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Today was a hot summer day and Octavia had decided it would be a good idea to have a BBQ at her new house, which consisted of a pool so everyone agreed. It was now midday and Clarke and Bellamy where finishing packing the snacks they promised to take and Melody's pool toys, Melody was only a year old so, for the most part, she stuck to her mom like glue, though when daddy was around she was daddy's little princess. "Alright I got the change of clothes here" Clarke handed Bellamy a beach bag for him to put in the trunk of the car while holding a giggling Melody on her hip. "Everything's packed, need anything else before we leave?" He asked, turning to face her after closing the trunk. "Should we get ice on the way there?" She asked while she buckled Melody into her car seat, "one bag wouldn't hurt, we'll stop by the grocery store" and with that, they were off. After a few minutes of driving and stopping to get a bag of ice, they soon arrived at Octavia's house. "Hey guys" Octavia greeted, hugging them both and taking Melody in her arms to attack her face with tiny kisses and making her giggle in delight. "O where do you want these ribs?" Bellamy asked coming inside with the package of ribs she asked him to get, "put them in the kitchen, we'll eat those after the burgers and hot dogs" she said giving Melody back to Clarke as she went to help her brother. "Let's get you in your swimsuit" Clarke said poking Melody's nose making her giggle, she stepped into one of the guest rooms to change, meanwhile Bellamy was starting up the grill. "Here's the hot dogs and burgers" Octavia handed Bellamy the food and he began cooking, Lincoln was getting the ingredients and soda to put on a separate table while, Raven tanned in a pool chair and Jasper, Monty, Miller, and Wick played Volleyball in the pool. Clarke came to the backyard with Melody on her hip, walking up to Bellamy she placed a kiss on his cheek. "Hey" she smiled at him and he smiled back, "hey" as they smiled at each other Melody began to giggle again, this caused her parents to redirect their smiles at her. "I'm going to take Melody to the pool ok" she said finishing with another kiss, "I'll meet you there in a minute" he smiled and continued to cook. Clarke sat on a pool chair with Melody putting on sunblock while she giggled uncontrollably, as she finished applying the sunblock on both their skins, she went into the pool and played with Melody for a while. "Food is ready!" Bellamy yelled to everyone, they all came an served their preference on their plates. As Clarke ate, Bellamy took Melody back into the pool to play with his daughter a bit, "brings back good memories huh?" Octavia said sitting beside Clarke, "yeah, he used to play that way with you" they both giggled staring at Bellamy. As soon as Clarke finished her food, she went into the pool to join her small family, she placed a kiss on Bellamy's cheek "you know seeing you two play, reminds me of when you and Octavia were little" she giggled hugging Bellamy's side as he wrapped his arm around her to bring her closer. "Yeah and now instead of my sister it's my daughter" he chuckled "who knew I would be so lucky to have an adoring wife and a loving daughter" he smiled at Clarke making her smile back, "I don't know who knew, all I know is that I'm glad it happened" she smiled kissing his lips sweetly. "Me too princess, me too" he laid his head on top of hers which rested on his shoulder as they both sat on the pool gently splashing Melody to make her giggle.

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