Just what we're missing

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Requested by @MeganDare hope you like it

Their relationship was falling apart and they had only been married for three years when they came to the conclusion the best thing was a divorce. Sure they still loved each other and they would never really stop but there just seemed to be something missing and they couldn't really figure out what. A few months into organizing the divorce, Clarke found out she was a month and a week pregnant, she was scared and she didn't know what to do after she received the news. When she told Bellamy he froze also a bit scared because really in the middle of a divorce they were getting a kid, their child would be already designated to a future with step parents and complicated shared weekends, he couldn't do that, he wanted his child to have at least some time with his or her real family, mom and dad together and all. "We'll work around it ok?" He had told her and after that everything began to complicate itself, with every doctor visit and every sonogram they would slowly realize their mistake. Clarke was now a full nine months and ready to pop unfortunately at this moment wouldn't really be the best time considering they're hours away from the nearest hospital, but did the baby really knew that? Not really, "um Bell?" She tapped on his shoulder frantically "one sec Clarke" he said as he kept talking to one of their lawyers, "Bell?" She said a bit louder, "on sec Clarke calm down" he said giving the lawyer the papers, "GOD DAMN IT BELLAMY FUCKING BLAKE MY WATER JUST BROKE!" She yelled out causing him to freeze momentarily until he processed what she said, he was gonna say something when "I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU SAY ONE SEC AGAIN I WILL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF" she grumbled through the pain as he got off the chair and started to help her up to her feet, "no I was gonna say lets get you to a hospital" he said helping her back to their car. The car ride was full of Clarke's pain filled screams and her constant worrying saying 'we're not going to make it' she was scared, he was scared but fortunately they were able to make it to the hospital with a fully dilated Clarke. The birth took a good five hours but she was finally born, their new baby girl, Bellamy sat with them on the bed as Clarke held the little one in her arms while she slept soundly, her small face being able to make anyone fall in love straight away, "Bell do you really want a divorce?" Clarke asked quietly afraid of waking the little girl, "not really do you?" He asked also in a whispered tone, "no" she smiled at him as their little girl yawned stretching out her little arms placing one on top of their parents intertwined hands on top of her, "you know how we agreed there's something missing?" She asked him as they looked at their little girl with big smiles, "mhm" he hummed in response, "ever think maybe it wasn't something, just someone" she smiled and looked up at him as he smiled sincerely back with a small chuckle, "probably, she was just what we were missing" and he was right, they had given all the love they could give to each other that frankly their life seemed boring, they were just missing that other little person to share their endless love with.

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