Come back to us

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Requested by @MeganDare hope you like it

"I can't believe they're making you do this now! I could pop at any second! What if you don't come back in time? Or worse, WHAT IF YOU DON'T COME BACK AT ALL?!" To say she was hysterical was an understatement, maybe it was the fear of losing him in a war that really didn't belong to them, maybe it was the fact that she was scared how her pregnancy would turn out without that many good medical resources or maybe it was all of the above. "Princess calm down" he said calmly bringing her into his broad chest as she sobbed into it, she held a tight grip on him, she didn't want him to leave, "I promise I'll be back safe and sound to you both ok? And I'll be back before he or she gets here" he said soothingly as her sobs quieted, "you promise?" She sniffled, "I promise" he said kissing her forehead and hugging her as tight as he could. The next morning he was off with the rest of the warriors that were chosen for the battle by the grounders and she just couldn't help the tears that slipped down her face, "don't worry Clarke he'll be back" Octavia soothed her as she brought her back to her cabin and left her to get some rest. As the days past she sometimes didn't eat or sleep, just worrying about him until she'd get nagged by Octavia "if not for yourself do it for the baby Clarke! You know Bellamy will never forgive you if you don't and once you've realized what you've done, you won't forgive yourself either" and with that, she would give in and eat or sleep. As the days kept on flying Bellamy's thoughts where with his growing family, he wishes he hadn't left, he wishes he wasn't the best at these situations just so he could stay by his wife's and soon to be born child's side, and then one day it happened Clarke was giving birth crying her eyes out, "No! This can't happen now! He's not home yet!" She yelled in protest, "Clarke you're going into labor whether you like it or not!" Octavia yelled back as Clarke's screams of pain filled the room, while Raven was able to communicate with him, "Bellamy she's having the baby now!" She would scream over Clarke's scream that could almost be heard in the battlefield, "what?!" He screamed as he dodged another bullet, "she's having the baby now, they won't let me in and she doesn't want to give birth" with that he mumbled a quiet 'shit' and as for Clarke she was having the baby now with tears in her eyes, "he promised" she would chant between every scream, "one last push Clarke!" Her mother yelled and just as the baby came out a grenade blew up right next to Bellamy, "Bellamy?!" Raven tried to reach him through the communicator again but it was destroyed and he was deaf at the moment from the sudden explosion with a few bruises and burns here and there but nothing too serious and yet he fell unconscious and so did Clarke. The next day Clarke woke up to her baby crying and as she opened her eyes she saw him in a small crib beside her as she slept, she grabbed him and slowly rocked him in her arms, little did she know her husband had just walked back into the camp with a limp from the sprained ankle on his right foot, people tried to say hi, tried to congratulate him and tried to help him walk, but he just ignored everyone and got to the med bay as fast as he could. Once he got there his wife's eyes shot up to meet his with tears beginning to fall "you promised" she whispered as he looked down ashamed he hadn't made it, he slowly walked to his family and kneeled next to the bed, "I know, I'm sorry I'm late princess" he said rubbing soothing circles on the back of her free hand with his thumb and kissing her forehead, he pulled away pressing their foreheads together and giving her a soft smile, they were quickly interrupted by a small yawn, they both looked down to see their little bundle of joy and smiled, Bellamy placed a small kiss to his now born son's forehead and then cupped his wife's cheeks to kiss her lips, one of the things he defiantly missed the most while being out there, and sure he had dried blood running down his ear and almost in every nook and cranny of his face but that really couldn't ruin this moment for them, he was home, safe and sound and at least he was able to keep that promise and that's all that really mattered to them right now.

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