First trip to Disneyland

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It will be a surprise to hear that Clarke Griffin has never been to Disneyland, and now that her own child was old enough for travel, what better way than to go explore Disneyland for the first time. Today is Sterling's first birthday, and they were all getting ready for their day on Disneyland. Bellamy has been to Disneyland countless times before, especially during the years Octavia still believed in fairies, and even now no one can resist the joy that is Disneyland. When his wife had told him she'd never been there he burst out laughing. It was eight thirty and they where sat on their couch watching lady and the tramp while feeling the baby's kicks in her stomach, "you know I've never been to Disneyland" she said shyly, "what?!" He said before busting out with laughter, he couldn't really help it, Clarke is twenty-five years old and she had just admitted to not once in her life being able to go to Disneyland. "Don't laugh!" She said punching his arm, "I'm sorry princess it's just kind of hard to believe you've never been to Disneyland" he chuckled, "well I haven't and as soon as this little guy turns one his birthday present will be a one way ticket to Disneyland" she said with a smile rubbing her large baby bump, Bellamy moved closer placing one hand on her tummy as he placed a loving kiss on her lips. Now here they were, one year later and ready for the magic. Clarke was changing Sterling's diaper before heading off, "you ready?" Bellamy asked stepping into the room just as Clarke put Sterling's pants on, "yep, freshly changed, shoes are in my bag, all set" she said placing sterling on her hip and turning just in time to meet Bellamy in a sweet kiss, "let's go princess, your kingdom awaits" he said in a joking matter that made her roll her eyes, though the smile was evident on her face.

The car ride was about a full hour drive, and seeing as Sterling was napping in the back seat, Clarke and Bellamy took the time to enjoy no crying for once, "you excited?" He asked still staring at the road in front of them, "yeah, I still can't believe I'm finally going to Disneyland" she giggled, "yep, the princess is finally coming home" he chuckled and Clarke punched his arm playfully. A few more minutes and they were passing the first gate and Clarke was basically a jumping five-year-old. "Well here we are" Bellamy parked the car and they got out, "isn't the park the buildings over there" Clarke said pointing to a big castle, while she balanced sterling on her hip, "yes princess it is, but to get there you have to take the 'magic ride'" he answered leaving Clarke with a confused look on her face, but before she could ask the ride to the train had arrived. "Welcome to Disneyland where all your dreams will come true" said their guide, "as a complementary addition to your visit we give you a free Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse ear hat" he continued passing out the hats. "These are cute" Clarke said with a smile, "here" Bellamy said while placing her Minnie Mouse hat on her head, then they both put the Micky Mouse hat on Sterling. "I'm guessing you're not wearing yours" Clarke giggled, "I'll only wear it for one family photo, other than that I'm not going to wear it" he answered wrapping his arm around her waist. Soon they stood at the entrance of the park, Clarke was wide-eyed with excitement and Sterling was giggling in her arms. "Where to first?" Bellamy asked with a big map of the park in his hands, "well we don't have many options, Sterling is only one, so we have to go on rides he can go" she said smiling as she bounced her son making him giggle more, "princess if you want to go on a ride that Sterling can't go on, Wick and Raven can watch over him while we go on the ride" he said remembering the recent engineering job that was given to both of their friends last month. "Ok, but for now let's just enjoy as a family" she said kissing his cheek. The day went on with going on kiddie rides, and they did have their time for roller-coasters after finding Raven and as they finished with the older rides they went back to get their little prince. "I think we've done everything on the map" she said racing Sterling to rest his head on her shoulder, "not everything, we're missing the most important thing" he said closing the map, "what?" she asked him, "the show in the castle" he said wrapping an arm around her. They walked off and as they neared the castle Clarke walked a bit faster making her land a few steps further from Bellamy, though the view he had was something that truly made him smile, Sterling was resting his chubby face on Clarke's shoulder, while Clarke's braid began to loosen and their matching ear hats made it even cuter, he couldn't help but take a photo for his lock screen. As they got to the castle and watched the show Bellamy couldn't help but stare at Clarke, smiling wide with Sterling giggling, it was all he wanted and all he ever needed. As the show came to an end and they were ready to throw the fireworks, Bellamy cupped Clarke's face to give her a long passionate kiss, Sterling giggled between his parents while he clapped at the fireworks. When they pulled away they were smiling at each other with all the love in the world, then when they heard Sterling still giggling they both looked down at him and gave each cheek of his a big smooch, making him giggle harder. They decided to go to dinner in the beauty and the beast restaurant before heading home.

They were now back on the road only a few more miles until reaching their home, Sterling had gone to sleep a few minutes ago, "thanks for taking me to Disneyland Bell" she said kissing his cheek, that made him smile wildly at the road, "anything for you princess" he said. They were now pulling into the driveway of their house, as soon as they stepped inside they took Sterling to his room, they headed back to the living room for a while. "I really had fun, what about you?" she asked him snuggling up to him more on their couch, "every day with you is fun princess" he said making her chuckle, "I'm glad you had fun too" she said pulling herself up a bit and giving him a quick peck on the lips. They spent the rest of the night snuggled up together on the couch, contently falling asleep.

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