Well deserved rest

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Requested by the100bellarke0 hope you like it

"Is he asleep yet?" He whispered, "yeah he's asleep" she said closing the door to their baby's room so nothing could disturb the little cutie, these past few days it's been hard to get him to sleep since he got sick at the beginning of the week, and as you know Clarke was frantic, but thankfully it was just a slight fever and nothing too serious and yet that wasn't even half of it since both Bellamy and Clarke hadn't had any sleep since they've been working them to the bone back at their jobs, all that plus Nick, they really needed a break. "His fever went down so I think he should be good by tomorrow" she smiled before being embraced into Bellamy's strong arms, "wanna watch a movie?" She nodded as they made their way to the living room where they ended up falling asleep, the next morning was quite calm and quiet, Nick hadn't woken up which gives the happy couple a few more minutes of peace and quiet. A few minutes in and they got a call from Octavia and the gang to kick off the beginning of summer at the beach house this week and seeing as they needed a well-deserved break from all the daily stress, plus the beginning of their summer vacations, not to mention that thankfully their little cutie was feeling a whole lot better so he should be up for the trip. Now here they were packing a few bags before the baby woke up for his feeding, "you got everything?" He asked placing all the bags by the door, "yeah you go put them in the car I'll go get Nick" they nodded as they headed off. Clarke took the sleeping Nick into her arms before heading downstairs to place him in his car seat, Bellamy had just finished placing the bags in the car and was closing up the house, soon they where off driving none stop trying to get there on time before Octavia had a fit. After about an hour drive they finally made it and just as they parked in the driveway Nick's eyes had slowly opened just in time for his mom to turn around and check on him, he started to get fuzzy but before he could start crying Clarke took him into her arms, "are you, hungry sweetheart? Bet you are you didn't eat since last night" she smiled at him as his little face looked amazed that his mother could possibly understand him that well, it was quite cute, "Guys you're here!" Octavia exclaimed as she walked outside greeting her brother and sister in law with hugs and kisses, "how's the little guy doing?" She asked giving him a kiss on the head, "much better thankfully" Clarke smiled at her son as he kept suckling for milk. Octavia helped Bellamy with the bags and after a while, they finally settled in with their family and friends. After a while they got tired so they decided to call it a night and went to their room, they placed Nick in a crib beside them as they cuddled in bed, "look at him sleep" Bellamy whispered "I wish I could still have those types of sleeps" they chuckled, "well now you can, it is summer" she smiled, "I know babe, we can all finally get some well-deserved rest" they smiled, Bellamy leaned down a bit to peck her lips and then her head before falling asleep with big smiles on their faces.

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