I wouldn't have it any other way

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The Blake family was about to embark on a well-needed vacation on the seven seas. It took Clarke forever to get the tickets to the Disney cruise, they needed a cruise that was relaxing for them and magically fun for Sonia. Currently, they were packing for their two-week getaway, "mommy can I take Dumbo with me?" Let's just say Sonia doesn't part with her medium Tsum Tsum Dumbo, "of course sweetheart, don't forget to pack your goggles for the pool" Clarke yelled after her daughter who was currently running back to her room in uttered joy to tell her toy Dumbo the big news, Clarke chuckled at her daughter as she continued to pack, "I don't think she heard you princess" Bellamy wrapped his arms around her waist kissing the back of her neck making Clarke hum, "she never does when she's excited" she smiled as they swayed a bit. "Remember our first cruise?" He asked still swaying them from side to side as Clarke hummed in response, "we would always sneak up at night to the pool, and then head to the main deck to look at the stars" He smiled at the memory, "when you proposed one night under the stars and week later turns out that little fun we had given us Sonia" she giggled and he chuckled, "I still wouldn't change it for the world" he said kissing her neck again, "me neither" she smiled leaning into him. They were leaving in the morning so that meant pizza for dinner, after dinner they both tucked in Sonia and gave her goodnight kisses, they headed back to their room in a mess of kisses from the hallway. His hands roamed her sides and hers pulled on his hair, "I love you Bell" she whispered between kisses, "I love you more princess" he whispered back as he threw both of them on the bed. The night air was filled with moans and kisses as they enjoyed their last night on land for the next two weeks. In the morning it didn't take long for them to get ready and leave towards the city docks, "Dumbo look! That's the boat!" Sonia yelled in excitement making her parents chuckle. As they got on the boat they were shown to their room and told of departure time, "bell could you put the suitcases in the closet please?" Clarke asked as she picked up Sonia, "sure thing" he said, "alright sweetie remember to be careful on the edges of the boat, and this in case you get lost" Clarke handed Sonia a small cell phone with five buttons, one for her dad's number, one for her mother's number, one for 911 and a call and end button. "Thanks, mommy" Sonia hugged Clarke as Bellamy finished with the suitcases, "well you two want to go to the main deck and watch the departure?" He asked with an arm around Clarke's shoulders, "yeah!" Sonia screamed heading towards the bed to get her stuffed dumbo. They made their way towards the main deck and watched the departure waving to random people and after a good seven minutes out to sea they took many family pictures by the front deck before exploring the cruise. After the first week Clarke became nauseous an at first she thought she was seasick until the cravings started and considering they're miles away from the nearest pharmacy she doesn't have anything to help her be sure about it, thankfully there was a cruise doctor for emergencies, and after her visit she was reassured that she was a hundred percent pregnant. "Bell can we talk?" She was nervous about how this might go, "what's up?" He smiled until he noticed her uneasiness, "Clarke what's wrong?" He grabbed her shoulders and she faced him taking a deep breath, "Bell, I'm pregnant" she held her breath until she felt herself being wrapped in two strong arms, "that's great princess" he kissed her head making her sigh in relief, "your ok with this?" She asked still nervous, he gave her a reassuring smile, "babe I wouldn't have it any other way" she smiled before they kissed sweetly, "Mommy! Daddy! I saw Olaf!" Sonia came in screaming, "really?! What did he say?" Bellamy played along, "he gave me this" the little girl lifted up a small Olaf tsum tsum causing her parents to laugh, "that's great sweetie" Clarke said kissing her head, "hey Sonia how do you feel about being a big sister?" Clarke asked and her daughter's eyes lit up, "like daddy and auntie O?" Her voice held pure excitement, "that's right" Clarke smiled as her daughter looked at her father then back at Clarke "I wouldn't have it any other way" she said with a big smile on her face causing her parents to laugh at her sudden quoting ability. 9 Months later they had another baby girl, when the girl was old enough Sonia gave up her toy Dumbo to her baby sister, "but sweetheart that's your Dumbo" Clarke said in confusion, "that's ok mommy, she needs it now" she smiled hugging Clarke as they stared at the sleeping baby, "I'm sure she wouldn't have it any other way" they giggled at the words as the small girl cuddled into the tsum tsum Dumbo.

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