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They've been married for about ten years now the first three years it was just the two of them, by the fourth they had Delancey, five years later and they had Zach, and living in a small two bedroom apartment just wasn't cutting it anymore. "You sure about this Bell? I mean not that we don't need it but, shouldn't we at least wait until Delancey finishes this school year to move?" Clarke was looking at the few places Bellamy thought were great for their growing family, "Princess, we're just looking, I don't want to pull her out of school before she finishes either, besides these places are still close by so even if we move now she'll still be in the same school" he smiled making her smile as she looked back at the places, "good point, what about this house?" She pointed at a two-floor house that according to the description had four bedrooms and three bathrooms, living room, basement, and kitchen, it seemed perfect and was only a few blocks away from the school so they wouldn't move too far and had more time to sleep in, "perfect! We'll go see it after we pick up Delancey from school" they smiled at each other as they went to get ready. A few hours later and they were on their way to pick up their little girl from school, they parked by the school entrance and Bellamy stepped out of the car leaning on it with his hands crossed over his chest and his legs crossed in front of him, Clarke looked at him remembering how he was in high school always leaning on the lockers in the hallway just like he was now still wearing a muscle T-shirt, some dark jeans and a pair of combat boots. She bit her lip at the memory since he basically still kept his looks, Bellamy kept leaning on the car so that Delancey could spot them faster. Delancey was rolling her school bag but hadn't spotted them yet, Clarke rolled down the window and told Bellamy to get her, as he walked towards his daughter Clarke really couldn't help but stare at his perfect ass walk away and just keeping an eye on him, she knew women still ran after him if they saw him alone. The young girl looked all around but couldn't see her family, you can't really blame her, she was short and in between a sea of children also the fact that in this school the younger kids had to make a line to get out. She wasn't really used to these things just yet, thankfully she saw her dad approach her and she ran towards him as fast as she could jumping in his arms hearing one of the teachers yell after her, not like she cared much, she is one heck of rebel princess. "Delancey you know the rules, follow the line" the teacher scolded her, "it's fine she always gets excited when she sees me" Bellamy smiled at his little girl making her smile back with a small giggle. Once her teacher looked up all she could process was 'damn he's hot, is he a single dad? I don't see any mom anywhere' with that she smirked to herself as the clown show started, "I'm sorry mister Blake, it's part of the keeping the kids safe school policy" she giggled, "and I appreciate you keeping my little princess here safe" he smiled politely, "daddy? Where's mommy?" The little girl asked, "she's in the car sweetheart" he smiled at her taking her small hand in his large hand, "if it's no trouble I'll be taking my daughter home now" he added towards the teacher as her face went blank, 😅"of course it's no trouble at all, have a nice day" she waved as they walked away, 'of course he's not single you idiot! What's wrong with you, this is why you should never flirt with your students' parents damn it!' She scolded herself internally as she walked back to the school. After Bellamy placed Delancey's bags in the trunk and buckled her in they were on their way to the new house. Once they got there they got a tour of the house, all of them loved it and decided it was their new home, after signing the papers they started talking about the things they would keep or sell and things they might need to buy as Delancey ran around the house admiring her new room since it was twice the size as her original room and now just for her. They even called a few friends and had a small party there that night, by the time it ended Octavia took the kids back to their apartment as Clarke and Bellamy cleaned up so they could start moving tomorrow. "Well we did it, we got a new house" he said throwing away the last can of beer, Clarke was sitting on the kitchen counter staring at him as he walked back towards her standing between her legs and kissing her lips, "I'm glad we finally found a better home" she smiled and so did he, "you know I heard you and Delancey's teacher earlier right?" He looked at her confused since to him it was an ordinary everyday conversation and she was clearly pissed, "you know I hate it when women try to flirt with you or get with you just cause you're standing alone, and you'd think she'd respect more considering you're a father of one of the students but no! Instead, she threw herself over you like butter on toast" she fumed making him chuckle, "what?!" He placed his hands on her thighs, "you're hot when you're jealous, you know and besides I only have eyes for you baby girl" he smirked at her, "I'm not jealous I'm pissed! You're MINE! Remember?" She said with narrowed eyes, "I know princess" he chuckled suddenly pulling her forward fast making her breath hitch, "and you're MINE" he whispered harshly in her ear as their night escalated quickly on their kitchen counter. The next day everything was cleaned up and they where back at their apartment packing up everything, Clarke was currently bending down picking up a box when she felt someone slap and grab her ass, Bellamy just leaned down to whisper harshly in her ear, "all mine baby girl" he smirked walking away making her blush like crazy, he carried some boxes out to the moving truck and she couldn't help but bite her lip as she saw his muscles flex under the weight of the boxes. Basically, moving day went on like that with their constant teasing each other as long as the kids weren't around to see 😏.

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