Little miracle

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Let's just say that Haley is literally the princess of the house because even though that might be her mother's nickname she's quite the mommy's and daddy's girl. In their eyes she's perfect and it was because it took forever to conceive her, you see when Clarke and Bellamy decided to have children they tried every time Clarke wasn't ovulating or fertile, sometimes Clarke thought she just couldn't have children or that Bellamy was dry but it turns out they were just doing it at the wrong time, however, they never really knew. Once Clarke was pregnant the two of them were overjoyed, so overjoyed in fact that five years later it still hasn't gone out. The day Clarke gave birth both her and Bellamy were crying of happiness and that little girl was the light of their eyes, she was a perfect little pearl, she's sweet and loving and she loves her parents just as much as they love her. Haley loves playing with her dad and cooking with her mom but at a day like this where they just stayed home the only thing she desired to play was a bakery and her parents weren't the type to deny her anything, they practically spoil her rotten considering how much of a miracle she is to them. "No daddy! Your the customer, me and mommy are the cooks!" She giggled as they all smiled, Bellamy overall loved to tease her, "mommy and I sweetie" Clarke corrected, "right!" The little girl said smiling, "so I can't cook?" Bellamy pouted, "nop" she said popping out the letter P and shaking her head side to side, "but you can cook?" He raised his eyebrow playfully smirking at his daughter, "yep" she said popping out the letter P once more as she nodded her head, "you sure?" He raised his eyebrow more, "yes daddy!" She giggled, "then if I can't cook, why can mommy cook?" The little girl rolled her eyes frustrated considering she explained this four times already just like her mom always does, Clarke also rolled her eyes as she laughed silently to herself at Bellamy's tricks, "because I need her help" the little girl kept going, "but I can help" he insisted, "you are helping daddy" she laughed "no I'm not, if I were I'd be cooking like mommy" he smirked "No daddy! Your the customer, mommy and I are the cooks!" She laughed again, "so I can't cook?" He smirked, "DADDY!" She whined, "ok ok you cook" he laughed, "yay!" Haley squealed before going to get her apron, "you're annoying you know that?" Clarke said leaning towards him over the counter and kissing his lips, "yeah I know, but you love me anyway" he smirked making her smile before she kissed his lips again. By the time they finished playing they sent Haley to take a bath while they cleaned up the kitchen, by now all that was left was wiping the countertops which Clarke was currently doing, Bellamy wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and kissed her neck as he swung them side to side softly and hummed against her neck, after a few minutes in that position Clarke turned around to bury her head in his chest, they hugged each other for a while longer before speaking again. "I still can't believe we made that" she smiled, "our little miracle princess" he smiled while kissing the crown of her head, once they finished cleaning they went upstairs to tuck Haley in bed with them for the night, they both gave her, her goodnight kisses and slipped in next to her on their king-sized bed and fell asleep with their little miracle in their arms.

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