Family picture day

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Believe it or not, there is still such things as family picture day. The Blake family only consisted of Bellamy, Clarke, Delancey, Chelsea, and Ryder, though as of two months ago it now features Yasmin, which meant that Clarke wanted a new family picture to send to everyone. "Mommy Ryder took my blanky!" Chelsea wined as she pulled on her skirt, "did not! Dad tell her!" Ryder yelled from the other side of the room, "oh no! You don't get to put me in any trouble mister, now give your sister her blanket back" Bellamy scowled and Ryder sighed in defeat giving Chelsea her blanket back, "Delancey! Did you find your headband yet?" Clarke yelled from down the hall, "got it!" The young girl yelled as she ran back to the bedroom, "alright Ryder you go at the bottom" Clarke stated as she bounced Yasmin gently on her shoulder, "why do I have to be at the bottom!" He wined, "because you're the older brother, just like me, which means you go first" Bellamy said taking Yasmin from Clarke's arms, "alright Ryder you go at the bottom, then Delancey, then Yasmin and Chelsea you watch over Yasmin so she won't fall ok sweetheart?" Clarke patted Chelsea's head as the small girl nodded, "yes mommy" she smiled. Soon everyone was in position and ready for the picture, "I need to go use the bathroom" Ryder wined, Clarke gently took Yasmin into her arms as Ryder went to the bathroom, once the young boy got back Clarke asked if anyone else needed to use the restroom, thankfully everyone said no and they were able to take the picture quickly. "Can we see the pictures mom?" Delancey asked with pleading eyes and soon Chelsea and Ryder joined her, "alright, let's go sit on the couch" she smiled as everyone ran to the living room, "well at least this time it wasn't as bad as last time" Bellamy chuckled while taking baby Yasmin from Clarke's arms, Clarke chuckled as well remembering when Delancey and Ryder wouldn't stop fighting about who got to hold baby Chelsea at the time, but it all worked out. "Yeah, we've had worse family picture day's remember when it was you, Octavia, Lincoln and I, you were still pissed and happy about having your first nephew, took us forever to get a picture where you didn't glare at Lincoln" Clarke laughed as they put the sleeping Yasmin back in her crib, "or the time when you couldn't stop staring at my belly for more than two seconds because we had just found out I was pregnant for the first time" She laughed and Bellamy scoffed, "don't play innocent, what about the Christmas card your mom made us do, you were a pissed off Rudolph" he laughed, "or the one where the gang joined in and you were so drunk you puked on the first shot the camera took" he laughed, "shut up!" She playfully pushed him as she sat with the kids on the couch. After showing the kids all the pictures, they went straight to bed, "next time we have a family picture day lets try not to screw up the first shot" she offered as she wrapped her arms around his neck, he pecked her lips before saying "deal" slowly connecting their lips once more. Unfortunately, the next family picture day had a massive screw up by pretty much everyone.

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