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By onceuponakillianandemma from tumblr
Bleary blue eyes slowly blinked awake to a mass of dirty blond curls and a pair of big familiar brown eyes. The little monster was perched atop the furs covering their wooden framed bed. Someone's up early.
Clarke sighed and threw her arm to her right, hand smacking her husband on the shoulder.
Incomprehensible grumbling was all she got as an answer. 'Bell, your daughter's awake.'
Bellamy sighed and mumbled. 'She's your daughter before sunrise.'
Clarke huffed a tired 'When did we agree to that?'
Bellamy shifted on the bed so now he was facing her, his eyes still closed. 'I dunno. Sometime last week?' Clarke snorted, 'Yeah, right.' She raised her hand and shifted it through her daughter's curls. 'Alright, what is it, Alex?'
The little girl stood on the bed and tugged on her mother's hand while prodding her father's leg with her foot. 'Come onnnn, Mama, Papa. Aunty O is waiting.'
Bellamy blinked one eye awake. 'O's waiting? For what?'. He propped himself up on his arm and rubbed at his eyes. Clarke frowned, confused. 'What are you talking about, honey?'
Alex rolled her eyes. Seriously, the kid was leeching out too much sass for her taste. She blames Raven. 'You said I could go with her and Uncle Linc to go see the butterflies.' She was a little over 4, so her 'l's' still sounded like 'u's'. The little rascal was adorable. She blames Bellamy. (Not that she'd ever say that to him.) Her husband gets there before she does. 'Oh, right. The butterflies.' He enunciates carefully, the ever teaching dork. He stands and puts his pants and a shirt on. 'Alright,' he says as he ties his boots. 'Let's get you to their house. Say bye to mommy.'
Clarke opens her arms and Alex throws herself at her, planting a very loud, very wet kiss on her mother's cheek. Clarke's heart melts to a pool of goo. 'Alright, alright. Off you go.' She makes sure Bellamy remembers her jacket (like he wouldn't) and plants a kiss on her daughter's messy curls. 'Have fun.' The little girl's toothy smile brings tears to her eyes. Seriously, damn you hormones.
Bellamy places a chaste kiss on her lips and drops to his knees to do the same to her swollen stomach. He grabs Alex's hand and gives her a little pull. 'Say goodbye to little Gus, princess.' The little blonde places her free hand on her mother's stomach, leaning in to drop a kiss. 'Bye bye, Gus-Gus.' Clarke bites her lip to keep the tears at bay and shares a happy smile with her husband.
When they leave, she doesn't go back to bed. She follows them out the cabin door and onto the still silent camp. Clarke doesn't look at the stars or the moon. She looks at the empty fire pit, at the scattering of little cottages that litter the once empty piece of land they're now entitled to. She looks at the forest, at the ever-growing planting field. She hears the sound of the nearby river and an owl hooting. She closes her eyes and rubs her belly in gentle circles.
'You're gonna love it here, kid.'

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