Hide and go sleep

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Today has been a very ordinary day, Bellamy at work, Clarke cooking dinner, nothing out of the ordinary... Well other than Charlie and the pups. Charlie was a very active five-year-old and when his aunts' dog Trixie had pups, he basically begged to have them. So no there are four pups running around with a five-year-old leader, it's actually as cute as it sounds. Right about now Clarke has the phone stuck between her shoulder and ear as Charlie runs around the entire house with the pups, "he's fine mom" she said into the phone as she stretched across the counter to grab one of the spices, "you sure? Cause last time he visited he seemed pretty down in the dumps" Clarke rolled her eyes at her moms intrusion, "mom Bell is fine, he's just had a lot of work on his plate" she said sighing frustratedly as she gave up and put the phone on speaker, "I'm guessing he didn't tell you he's sick right?" At that Clarke froze and lowered the temperature on the stove as she placed the phone back in her ear, "what do you mean he's sick? He isn't sick?" She asked getting agitated, "hon last weekend he asked for a fever reducer while you were visiting and he would always ask for soup, I think he's stressing himself out with work" Clarke thought for a moment and realized her mother was right, as a matter of fact, more than right. Bellamy would always get home at late hours and wake up so early that Clarke can easily say she hasn't seen him in a week, but why would he just keep it to himself and not say anything? Suddenly the entire room went quiet, "Charlie?" Clarke called to her son as she walked into the living room and freaked as she saw the entire room empty, "mom I'll call you back" with that she hung up and started searching for her child, "Charlie?" She asked into the air as she walked up the stairs into his room "Charlie?!" She was more frantic by now, "Charlie!" She kept screaming as she ran around the house. As she kept running and searching for Charlie she hadn't heard the front door open and Bellamy walk in, the second he saw her she was bawling her eyes out on the floor, "Clarke?!" He ran towards her and kneeled down next to her, "hey, princess what's wrong?" He asked worriedly, "I can't find Charlie I've looked everywhere! I don't know where he is!" She cried, Bellamy, hugged her into his arms and shushed her while petting her head, "Clarke it's ok, we'll find him" he reassured her, "but what if we can't, Bell my baby is somewhere out there lost!" She cried even more, suddenly they heard a small whimper come from the stairs, they looked up at each other and started walking towards the stairs. As they neared the stairs they heard it again, a small bark mixed with a whimper coming from the laundry in the basement, "I'll check it out" Bellamy headed down the stairs first slowly as Clarke waited on the top stair trying to peak at what was downstairs. When Bellamy finally made it down the stairs he chuckled to himself with a smirk on his face... "Well well well, what do we have here?" He whispered to himself as he saw one of the pups whining and barking quietly trying to get into a comfortable position along with his brothers and sister and Charlie in the laundry basket, "hey Clarke you may wanna see this" he said as he walked over to the staircase so she could see his face, Clarke walked down the stairs only to be met by Bellamy saying "sh" with a finger to his mouth as he pointed at the sleeping army, Clarke smiled relieved her son was ok and not lost. Bellamy gently picked Charlie up to tuck him in his bed so he could sleep more comfortably, Clarke just smiled as she saw him heading up the stairs with three pups on his heal, when she was about to leave up the stairs she heard the small whimper/wine of one pup and as she looked back she saw the smallest pup trying to get out of the basket and failing, she giggled picking up the pup and walking upstairs to reunite her with her brothers and sister. Once Charlie was back in bed with the pups and Bellamy gently closed the bedroom door, they walked back downstairs, Bellamy was about to pick up his belongings from the entrance to put them away properly when "why didn't you tell me you're sick?" Clarke pouted, Bellamy looked at her with a very confused expression, "what are you talking about? I'm not sick" he stated, "Bell, mom told me about you asking for a fever reducer and soup on the weekend trip and you've been working yourself to the bone these last few days, if you're that sick you should just take a day off and relax" she said cupping his face as she approached him. Bellamy chuckled at her statement until he just couldn't hold in the laugh, "what's so funny? This is serious Bell! If you're sick-" she was cut off by Bellamy hugging her while he laughed, "babe I'm not sick" he chuckled, "Charlie is" with that her eyes widened and she pulled away from their embrace, "WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN CHARLIE IS SICK?!?!" she panicked, "look, last weekend he caught a fever and his stomach hurt, I was going to tell you but he begged me not to because and I quote, 'mommy won't let me play in the snow'" he smirked, "so when he pulled the puppy dog eyes plus his puppy army also giving the puppy dog eyes, I gave in, that's actually why he was sleeping downstairs, he must have lost his energy and fell asleep in the first place he found, he still had a small fever when I tucked him in" he said rubbing her upper arms as she buried her face in his chest. "Well at least you told me before it got worse and you did take care of him" she smiled into his chest, he chuckled as his arms circle her body and rubbed soothing circles on her back, "well I am his father, I have to be responsible for this kind of stuff too" he smiled and kissed the crown of her head, "I love you" she said into his chest, "I love you too princess" he smiled and raised her head up so their lips could meet in a sweet kiss. After dinner Charlie finally woke up, Clarke checked his temperature and thank god he was fine, she didn't get mad since at least he did tell someone who helped him get rid of his fever, she just hugged her son as they all sat all cuddled up watching a movie in the living room and eventually drifted off to sleep.

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