Its a boy!

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Today was the day, Clarke and Bellamy were about to find out what their baby is. Clarke is around seven months and a week pregnant and she couldn't be happier, they were getting ready for her doctors' appointment today, "Need any help princess?" Bellamy stepped into the room where Clarke was looking at her growing bump in the mirror, "no I'm ready" she smiled and Bellamy stepped up behind her hugging her from behind and kissing her shoulder making her smile. Bellamy helped Clarke to the car and soon they where off to the hospital, the car ride was a good thirty minutes and the waiting room was another twenty minutes, "I hope their not this slow when you're in labor" Bellamy muttered in Clarke's ear making her giggle, "don't worry Bell, if I was in labor they take you straight to a maternity room" she smiled kissing his cheek, "Mrs.Blake" the doctor called, Clarke had to admit after a year and a half of marriage she still wasn't used to the hole Mrs. Blake thing. "Please take a seat, we will take your vitals first and then the sonogram" the doctor smiled, as Bellamy helped Clarke sit on the chair. After checking her vitals it was finally time to see their baby, "this will be a bit cold" the doctor said before applying the cream he would spread with the wand, Clarke and Bellamy had their eyes glued to the monitor waiting for the image of their baby to show, "and there it is" the doctor said pointing towards the monitor, "this would be the head, and these are the feet" Clarke and Bellamy smiled at each other as Clarke gave a loving squeeze to Bellamy's hand and so did he, "and these are the arms, would you like to know the sex?" Clarke and Bellamy looked at each other with a look that said 'only if you want to babe' and they nodded towards the doctor, they all smiled as the doctor moved the wand around Clarke's stomach searching for the baby's lower half. "Seems like you will be having a boy" he smiled and so did they, the doctor left the happy couple for a bit, "we're having a boy that's great" Bellamy smiled and Clarke giggled "Bell it doesn't matter if it's girl or boy, we're having a baby, our baby, it will always be great" she smiled and so did he before placing a kiss on her forehead. "You know I love you right?" He asked with a smile, "and I adore you" she smiled before they met in a short sweet kiss. After the doctor came back and gave them the sonogram picture and a few vitamin prescriptions to Clarke they left to tell Octavia the big news. At Octavia's house, all you could hear was her excited squeal, "we should have a baby shower!" She squealed in excitement once more, "I don't know O" Bellamy argued, "come on it'll be so much fun!" She smiled, "what do you say, princess?" Bellamy asked looking directly at Clarke's eyes, Clarke softly smiled, "alright, but Octavia, you suggested it, you're planing it" she bargained, "yes! Oh thank you" she said hugging them both. Overall Octavia made a great baby shower and everyone was happy, Clarke sat at a table waiting for Bellamy to bring her a plate of food, when all of a sudden, "BELL!" Clarke screamed with joy, although to Bellamy a scream meant something bad happened. He ran towards her leaving the plate behind, "what's wrong princess? Are you ok? Are you hurt?!" He freaked out instantly "is the baby hurt?!" Clarke laughed at her husbands' antics, "no! He just kicked!" she laughed and he sighed in relief, "you scared the living hell out of me princess why the-... Did you just say the baby kicked?" He interrupted himself as his eyes widened at Clarke's nod of her head with a huge smile on both their faces, "here give me your hand" Bellamy obeyed as Clarke placed his large hand on her stomach, a few more seconds and their baby kicked once more making them both smile wildly. Bellamy cupped Clarke's face Kissing her passionately, after they finally broke apart he whispered, "I love you" and she smiled once more, "I love you too" he smiled and lowered himself to be face to face with her stomach, he placed a sweet kiss on her belly before whispering to it, "and we both love you baby boy" he said making them both smile again as Clarke raked her fingers through his hair contently.

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