We're having a baby

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It was a bright Sunday morning, and for Clarke, it would have been beautiful if she hadn't woke up with morning sickness. Truth is Clarke is two weeks pregnant and Bellamy still doesn't know, every time Clarke tries to tell him she chickens out, she just doesn't know how to tell him. She had been avoiding this topic for quite enough, and no matter what happened today she's going to tell him, even if it kills her. Clarke went downstairs to make breakfast for the both of them, while she flipped the pancakes she felt two strong arms wrap around her waist and a pair of lips kiss the back of her neck, "morning princess, sleep well?" He asked in between kisses, "yeah, want breakfast?" She asked serving his plate and receiving a kiss on the lips as a response. She smiled at him as they both sat down an ate, "I forgot to tell you, that we're going to dinner with O and Lincoln tonight" he said while finishing his plate, "alright, what do you have planned for today?" She asked placing their plates on the sink, "I'm going to solve a few things back at work and then we get ready for dinner" he answered and she nodded.

The day went on and Bellamy was currently at work, Clarke thought that maybe it could be great news to share during dinner, that was until she heard the front door slam. "Bell are you ok?" She asked worried while nearing him, "no! Everyone was so annoying today! I swear nothing could turn my mood around" he grunted, "nothing?" Clarke whispered worriedly to herself. They both got ready and headed out for the restaurant when they met up with Octavia and Lincoln by the table, Octavia practically saw right through her brother, "what's gotten into you?" She asked at his sour expression, "bad day at work" he answered bitterly. After a while, he seemed to relax a bit more, but he was still a bit pissed off. The waitress came to take their drink orders, "I'll have a glass of wine" Octavia said, "I'll take a beer" both Bellamy and Lincoln stated, "and you miss?" The waitress asked Clarke, "iced tea would be lovely" Clarke answered, the waitress nodded and headed off to get their drinks. Meanwhile, the group stared at Clarke weirdly, "what?" She asked getting a bit annoyed, "since when do you order iced tea at a restaurant?" Octavia asked, "I just don't feel like alcohol" Clarke answered bluntly. Soon after they ate their meals and drinks, they sat down talking for a bit, when suddenly Clarke felt the vomit make it's way up her throat. This made Clarke stand up abruptly and run towards the bathroom to empty her stomach's content. Octavia walked in after her, "Clarke are you ok?!" She asked frantically and Clarke was crying now, "no! I'm not! I'm pregnant! And I can't even tell my husband because he's pissed off and I don't want him to yell at me!" She cried harder, "you're pregnant?! I'm gonna be an aunt?! Clarke that's great news" Octavia screeched and Clarke only sat there on the floor crying, "come on, you have to tell Bellamy" she said making their way out of the bathroom, "tell me what? Clarke are you ok?" He asked worriedly making his way towards his wife, "Bell, I'm Pregnant" Clarke said softly as the tears rolled down her cheeks, "I'm gonna be a dad?! Clarke that's amazing" he said kissing her passionately. "You're not mad?" She asked worriedly, "mad? You just made my life into heaven" he said with a big smile, making her smile back. That was one crazy night, and now after nine months of worrying by Bellamy and keeping Clarke from doing anything, Clarke finally gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

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