Relaxing Family Day

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It was a lovely spring day, the sun was shining the wind blew in a gentle breeze and everything seemed perfect. Today Clarke had decided on spending the entire day outside, which meant no phone, no tv, nothing except her small family. She was currently dressing Holly in her floral sundress that matched the pattern on her crop top and skirt, the small girl giggled as her mother kissed her toes before placing her sandals on her small feet, after they were perfectly on she jumped into Clarke's arms still giggling in joy, "mommy pwetty" she giggled and Clarke kissed her nose, "Holly is pretty too" she smiled before scooping her up in her arms and giving her more kisses, "hey save some for me" Bellamy chuckled as Clarke settled Holly on her hip, "daddy!" Holly squealed reaching her arms out so he would pick her up, he smiled walking towards his girls and Clarke handed the small girl towards him with a big smile on her face. "Hey there little princess" he said kissing her forehead while the small girl giggled, "and big princess" he smiled and so did Clarke before he sweetly pecked her lips and parted to the sound of their daughters' excited squeal, "ready to go?" Clarke asked as she picked up Holly's blanket, "ready" he smiled and wrapped his free hand around her waist leading her out to the car. They took a fun car ride towards the ice cream parlor where they laughed along with Holly and her face filled with ice cream, "I see you two are still doing fabulous as ever" Monty's voice came from behind them, "Monty!" Clarke squealed and stood up to hug him tightly, "good to see you man" Bellamy said giving him a high five and bumping shoulders while patting each other's backs, "good to see you guys too, and I'm guessing that's little Holly" he smiled at the girl who giggled in response, "you guessed right" Clarke laughed, "you want to join us for some ice cream?" Bellamy asked, "no I'm good, I'm actually here to give Harper her cellphone back, but thanks anyway, we'll catch up later ok?" They all smiled and the Blake's nodded towards him hugging him goodbye, "it was great seeing you again Monty" both Clarke and Bellamy said, "you guys too" he smiled and Holly squealed, "you too Holly" he laughed and headed towards the back of the parlor to find Harper. After they left they went to the park, where Holly was running around and giggling uncontrollably, "today has been a great day" Bellamy smiled making Clarke smile and lean her head on his shoulder, as they relaxed on the picnic blanket, their giggling little princess ran towards them falling into their open arms still giggling, "careful there honey, you don't wanna get a bobo" Clarke said poking Holly's nose making her squeal, as the small girl sat with her mother, Bellamy went to get the picnic basket. When he made his way back he saw the beautiful blonde and the cute little brunette sitting with arms wrapped around each other staring at the sunset. It was a perfect day of relaxation and family bonding they've ever had, which lead to becoming a Blake family tradition every time someone had a bad day or just needed to get away.

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