Lucky man

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She was eight months along, she could barely see past her growing bump to her feet but she was happy none the less. It was a hot summer day and they decided to go to the pool along with the rest of their friends, at the moment she was fighting with her one-piece bathing suit. "Bell! It doesn't fit!" She cried and throwing the bathing suit across their room and covering up her body with a towel, "babe, just put on your bikini it's easier" he said hugging her from behind, "but what about my stomach" she wined dropping the towel to her waist reviling her bump. Bellamy placed his hands on her stomach softly rubbing it in circular motion before his hands came up to cover her exposed breast and softly kissing her jawline, "princess you look beautiful, no need to hide that" Clarke smiled at him over her shoulder and he was smiling as well, they shared a gentle kiss before Bellamy helped her tie the top of her bikini. An hour later they were setting up their spot by the pool, along with everyone else. Bellamy watched as Clarke sat with his sister and a few of her friends, she smiled and laughed and all he could think to himself was how lucky he was to have such an amazing wife and to be starting a family with her seems like a dream come true, Clarke stood up an walked towards him from the other side of the pool, he saw her sideways figure with the baby bump showing its perfectly round shape and the wind in her golden locks. Once she reached him she kissed his lips sweetly whispering an I love you, he smiled and whispered an I love you more back making her smile wider, "you hungry?" He asked, hand on her stomach gently rubbing it, "yeah a bit, what's for lunch?" She asked with a smile, "do burger and fries sound good?" He chuckled, "sounds perfectly delicious" she kissed his cheek as she went to sit back with the girls and leaving him to cook up their lunch. Bellamy was a lucky man, lucky indeed.

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