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To say that Jade was a happy little girl, was quite the exaggeration. For a child to be upset it's never really fair, when her parents got together they had forgotten all the bad blood and tension between them in the past and started off a clean slate forgetting everything that had happened in their lives before that day, a few weeks after they started dating and eventually they were happy without having their pasts to hunt them anymore, one drunk but still sober night they conceived their little bundle of joy that threw out her for years of life hasn't met a faith as painful and sad as this one. "ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU CANT FOCUS ON WHATS GOING ON! YOU LEAVE AND YOU DON'T TELL ME, I SPENT ENDLESS DAYS LOOKING FOR YOU JUST TO FIND OUT YOU'RE OUT THERE HUNTING AND I HAVE TO WORRY MY ASS OFF CAUSE I DON'T KNOW IF YOU'RE ALIVE OR NOT!" She yelled even louder causing Jade to clutch to her blanket and small teddy as she covered her ears in the darkened corner, "WELL EXCUSE ME FOR DOING SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE!" He yelled back "IM NOT SAYING YOU CANT BELLAMY" with every scream a tear fell from the little girls' green eyes, "WOULD IT KILL YOU TO JUST TELL ME BEFORE YOU DO THESE THINGS?!" She kept yelling at him "YES BECAUSE YOU WOULDN'T LET ME GO IN THE END, AND THEN WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? TELL ME CLARKE ?!" He was practically huffing smoke, "COULD YOU USE YOUR HEAD FOR ONCE BELL?! I DON'T MIND THAT YOU GO JUST TELL ME AT THE VERY LEAST WHERE YOU GO, SO WHEN YOUR DAUGHTER ASKS ME I DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER WITH AN I DON'T KNOW, DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING HARD IT IS TO LOOK AT YOUR OWN DAUGHTER STRAIGHT IN THE EYES WITHOUT KNOWING WHERE YOU ARE AND NOT SURE IF YOU'RE GONNA COME BACK ALIVE AND SAY I DON'T KNOW SWEETIE IM SURE HE'LL BE BACK SOON?! BELL IVE ALMOST GOTTEN A HEART ATTACK THINKING OF WHAT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU OUT THERE, WOULD YOU REALLY LIVE WITH YOURSELF IF YOU END UP LEAVING YOUR DAUGHTER FATHERLESS?! BECAUSE IM NOT GONNA BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT!!!" She wishes she wouldn't have said that honestly she knows how Bellamy feels about his responsibility as a parent and he would never do something like his father before him, so she really regrets saying what she said and soon her gaze softens "Bell I..." All that was heard was a soft sniffle, a bump against a table and finally a glass brake before they saw her tiny feet run out the door and tears streaming down her eyes as she ran away. "JADE WAIT!" Her parents yelled after her trying to catch up but she just ran off into the dark woods, at some point in her run she fell into the mud and just cuddled into a tree as the rain poured down on her, she just cried endlessly, she just couldn't stop, "JADE?!" She heard the scream "SWEETHEART COME BACK!" They kept yelling after her, "JADE BABY PLEASE!" With that she stood up and kept running up to her second fall when she cut her leg and it stung, she couldn't get up this time, she couldn't run anymore, she just laid there by the tree crying and sniffling, "JADE HONEY?" Her moms' voice came through the forest "LITTLE PRINCESS WHERE ARE YOU?!" came her dads' voice, as they walked forward they heard her crying and followed it to her. Once they found her they picked her up from the ground and hugged her tightly never wanting to let go, "don't ever run away like that again" her mother cried but by then the little girl fell unconscious by the lack of blood, that one moment when her cries silenced Bellamy worried, he knew it took more than that to calm her down and that's when he saw it, the gash on her small leg draining her blood slowly. "Clarke we gotta go now!" She looked confused until she felt the wet substance stick to her finger, the second she saw the gash her eyes widened and she ran, they ran until they got to the med bay were they cleaned her off, and patched her up, it took five stitches to close up the gash but at least she'll live. When Jade woke up she was met with her parents puffy eyes and worried faces, they hugged her tightly telling her never to run off again the way she did, and that's when it all came crashing down on her memory again and she started crying, "sweet heart don't cry you're safe now" Clarke cooed at her daughter but it didn't work, "I don't want daddy to leave" she cried "I don't want you to yell at each other" she kept crying "I just want us to be happy again" she cried as her parents hugged her, "baby girl I'm not going anywhere, and we're ok, mommy and daddy just have a few disagreements that's all" he kissed her forehead and she sniffled and hugged him, he rubbed her back a bit before offering Clarke to join in, they all hugged for a few minutes, they pulled apart and laid her down back on the bed, "get some rest baby" Clarke said before kissing her forehead, Bellamy did the same before following his wife outside leaving a sleeping Jade to rest "I'm sorry about what I said, I know you would never do that to her I was just worried and I always thought of the worst senerio at those moments and I just..." She was cut short with his lips on hers, she kissed back making the kiss even more passionate between them, "it's alright princess, I'm sorry for not telling you in the first place" they smiled at each other before he pulled her into his chest and kissed the crown of her head comforting her. As the days passed Jade's leg healed properly and so did their relationship, by the time Jade turned five they were one small happy family again.

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