Sibbling fights

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Clarke and Bellamy were great parents. They had an eight-year-old daughter named Roxy and a five-year-old son named Robbie. However when auntie O came to visit it was quite the show. Bellamy, Octavia and the kids went to the park for them to play while Clarke finished something in her home office. The original Blake siblings were fighting for the dumbest of things as usual. Roxy came back with a bag of popcorn from across the park and sat down next to her brother, "what's the fight about this time?" She asked Robbie, "dad losing auntie O's bunny when she was little" he responded as they both watched the two grown-ups argue back and forth "how did it get to that?" Roxy asked, "dad saw a bunny in the bushes and told her" Robbie laughed as he placed a mouthful of popcorn into his mouth. "You lost it Bell! I never saw it again! Of course, I'm still mad at you for it!" Octavia yelled at her brother "I didn't lose your bunny!" Bellamy yelled back. As the siblings kept arguing Clarke made her way to the park when she saw the scene you couldn't help but chuckle and shake her head as she approached her children from behind the bench. She kissed the crowns of their heads "hi mom" they said in unison not taking their eyes off of their father and aunt, "what are they fighting about this time?" Clarke asked taking some popcorn from the bag, "Auntie O's bunny toy" they answered in unison once more making Clarke chuckle. All three of them watched the siblings go at it until they were finally done. Clarke approached her husband giving him a kiss on the cheek, "you know you two should learn to get along from the kids" Clarke said pointing to her children who were still eating the popcorn, "hang on a second, is that popcorn?" Bellamy asked his kids and they nodded still eating the snack, "you were just enjoying this?" Octavia asked and Clarke answered "yep, watching you two fight is like watching a movie" she answered smiling "you too?!" Bellamy asked and Clarke nodded. "Alright let's all go home for some dinner" Octavia said walking ahead with the kids. "Just for enjoying our little 'movie' your gonna pay for it tonight" Bellamy whispered with a smirk into Clarke's ear and grabbed her but making her jump and shriek, he only smirked wider and she scolded him and started walking away with a bit of swing on her hips. Bellamy chuckled "you're defiantly paying for that" he whispered to himself following behind his wife with a devilish smirk.

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