I just Trust YOU

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It took seeing a lot of her classmates with fully grown families to make her want one. Sure she's thought about it before, but Clarke is indecisive, to say the least, having a baby would be nice, she already takes care of kids every day, she is a teacher after all if she can handle groups of middle and high schoolers she can surely handle a baby, right?"You want a baby?" Clarke stared at her friend as she sat on the table in the teachers lounge, "yes Raven, I think it'll be good for me" she finished taking a bite out of her salad "I mean you're still in your 20's Clarke, do you really want a baby while looking after high schoolers all day?" Clarke looked up at her without a care "I just feel like it's right, I'm 28, not too young, not too old, I have great motherly instincts thanks to the kids and personally I feel it's time, I actually want this Ray" Raven looked at her in disbelief and sighed "well that's great and all but you're single" Clarke still stared at her unbothered "so?" She challenged "SO?! YOU NEED A GUY TO IMPREGNATE YOU IDIOT!" Clarke rolled her eyes at her "I'm getting an insemination dummy, although I do want to know from who, maybe pick someone to help with the genetics of the baby" Raven just rolled her eyes at her "so who do you have in mind? Garret?" She snickered, Clarke just glared at her opening her mouth to say something when... "what are you guys talking about?" Asked a deep husky voice as he walked to the coffee machine "little miss sunshine here wants a baby" Raven snickered as Clarke glared at her "congrats princess, who's the lucky man?" Bellamy snickered "I'm not pregnant you ass, I'm getting insemination!" She yelled frustrated "why? No baby Dady?" He turned walking towards them "I'm perfectly content being a single mom, I just need the donor to have good genetics" she huffed "we'll have fun with that, I got history reports to grade" he waved walking back to his classroom "bye Blake" Raven yelled receiving another small wave from him. Raven waved at him suddenly realizing something "what about Blake?" She questioned excitedly at the annoyed arm crossed blonde who glared after Bellamy's retreating figure "what?" She questioned coming back to the conversation "what about Blake?" She questioned again "what about Bellamy?" Clarke asked cluelessly "you know for the baby thing, he has great genetics" she smirked "don't be ridiculous Raven" the matter died but as the days passed she did think about it, 'what about Bellamy?' He bearly gets sick, he has a strong physical built and needless to say, he was drop-dead handsome, she'd never admit it out loud of course.

It wasn't till a conversation with Harper when she finally decided "she's not wrong you know, if you want to know who the father is and have a healthy baby, out of all the males you know Bellamy is really your best bet, comparing both your health records I think that baby will come out immune of everything" Harper said placing a stack of tests on her desk, "I guess you have a point, but it's Bellamy" she argued "I said he's your best bet, getting him to agree is different" in the end ruling out all of her male friends only ending up with Bellamy as the best candidate was the last convincing step, not that she was happy about it...

"Bellamy I need your sperm" she told him as he reached out for his coffee mug from the counter making him face her "a little forward there princess, at least buy me dinner first" he smirked making her sigh "I mean for the insemination Bell, you're the only one I know who's genetics would benefit the baby the most" She wined "yeah I get it" he snickered "so will you?" She was actually hopeful "will I what?" He smirked again teasing her "stop messing around, will you give me your damn sperm or not?!" She asked frustrated remembering the one reason why she didn't want to ask him "as flattered as I feel for someone wanting me for my sperm and not my looks, the answer is no" he said walking off leaving her mouth agape. "WHY NOT?!" She yelled after him "because Clarke its a baby, I already watch over kids every day and I find it ridiculous to bring a child into this world just cause you want one" he argued "but Bellamy please, you don't even have to take care of the baby" she argued "Clarke it's not just your baby ok? If you want a baby and an uninvolved dad get regular insemination, but don't expect to have a kid with my sperm and not have me involved because he'd also be my kid!" He said frustrated "you don't have to be its dad!" She yelled, "YES I FUCKING DO CLARKE!" He yelled at her leaving her wide-eyed "it's my kid too" he said in a lower voice walking away leaving her mouth agape and eyes wide. Ever since their fight Clarke had a constant mopey attitude, it lasted so long that Raven finally got sick of it "just talk to him already, apologize but do something!" She yelled at her "I don't think I can Ray, I think I really screwed up" she said lowering her head to her hands on the table "Clarke, it's Bellamy just go talk to him, he's head over heels for you, even if he's mad he'll still listen to you" Raven patted Clarke on the back as Clarke raised her head in question, "what are you talking about?" She questioned "just trust me ok? Now go talk to Blake" she encouraged her making Clarke stand and start walking straight into his classroom. When she got there she saw him grading some tests "need something princess?" He asked monotone and not looking up from his work "I just... I wanted to apologize" she said still nervous "it's fine" he said still not looking up "NO IT'S NOT FINE BELL! LOOK I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T MEEN TO OFFEND YOU, ITS NOT ABOUT PRETENDING OR ANY OF THAT I just..." she cut off not sure how to phrase it, "you just what?" He added finally looking up surprised to see her tear stained face "I just trust you, I CAN ONLY TRUST YOU!" He sighed and she whimpered, as she rubbed her eyes he got up walking towards her wrapping her in his embrace "stop crying it doesn't suit you" she nodded against his chest making him sigh again "do you really want this?" He asked forcing her to look at him "yes I really do" he looked at her contemplating for a few seconds before speaking up again "alright, but you need to understand this is our kid we're talking about" she wiped her eyes before looking up "I ... I don't... I don't want you to feel forced to do this Bell, I just needed you to know why I want it to be you, but if you don't really want to that's o..." he rolled his eyes picking her up off of the floor cutting off her sentence and walking her back to his desk sitting her on it standing between her legs and bringing his face close to hers "I told you I'll do it" he stared intently into her wide eyes "are you sure?" She questioned swallowing a lump in her throat "positive" he smirked. A few days passed and Clarke had her first appointment, according to the doctor she was perfectly healthy to have a baby and so was Bellamy, now here they where at the clinic leading him to a room to collect his Sperm "here you go sir, everything you need is inside" the doctor said before patting his back and walking off "alright then" Bellamy sighed "you can still back out if you don't want to" Clarke whispered "I thought you said you wanted a baby" he teased "I DO!" She exclaimed making him chuckle "then don't worry" he smirked walking into the room "I'll be out soon" he said closing the door, Clarke walked to a nearby bench waiting for him. A few minutes passed before he came out and she saw him getting up and walking towards him "you finished?" She asked noticing him looking at the floor with an empty cup in hand "what's wrong?" She asked worried "I need your help with something" he said pulling her back into the small room and closing the door "what do you need me for?" She asked as he sat down "I can't get turned on" he admitted, she looked at him lost "how am I supposed to help with that?" She asked dumbfounded "you're really stupid you know" he laughed making her scold him "what are you..." he cut her off quickly "you turn me on princess" he looked up seriously at her as she stood speechless, she could tell he wasn't joking or teasing for once "hey do you really want an insemination?" She looked at him confused "I'm not sure anymore" he looked at her before finally saying what he wished he would've said from the start, "because I wouldn't mind giving you a child the old fashioned way" she looked at him surprised as he held her hand "just tell me" she looked at their linked hands "will you leave afterwards?" She asked a bit saddened "I distinctly remember telling you this is our kid remember? However I don't think I ever made it clear that you're my princess" he smiled when she looked up with red cheeks "I won't leave Clarke" she nodded with teary eyes, he took the opportunity to kiss her pulling her down to straddle his lap on the chair, their kissing eventually escalated and it wasn't until an hour later that they finally came out, Clarke fixing her dress straps and Bellamy his hair, they smiled at each other before walking out holding hands and headed for her apartment. "So this means we're dating I assume" she asked handing him a cup of tea before sitting next to him "I hope so or else you're playing with my heart princess" he smirked and she playfully hit his shoulder "sometimes you're so annoying" she giggled "wanna try again?" He asked and she blushed " if you wanna have a kid we should try as much as possible " he smiled. This went on for about 1 month, moving in together and eventually getting pregnant, it was quite the roller coasters for them, but in the end, it was all worth it once their little boy finally came into their lives.

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