Little niece

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Requested by @bellarkelover07 thanks for your request, hope you like it.


It was dinner night, and the Blake family was finishing up, Octavia had a beautiful sparkling dress that she matched with her daughter, while Clarke had a sundress that was loose enough for her growing stomach. "Everyone ready to go?" Came Bellamy's voice from the room door. "Well if I have found myself another princess" he said towards Ciara making her blush at her uncle's antics, "just like auntie Clarke?" She asked with hope glittering in her eyes, Bellamy chuckled and nodded "just like auntie Clarke sweetie" he picked her up hugging her tight and kissing her forehead, the view made Clarke smile thinking that he will be a great father to their coming child. Once at the restaurant, they all sat down waiting for their meal and after a few minutes of waiting it arrived, as Ciara ate she made a mess of herself making Clarke giggle at her childishness. Clarke was more than ecstatic about having her own child, she couldn't wait until being able to be the best mom she could be, when she turned to look at Ciara again Bellamy was whipping the mess of food on her face while she giggled, and Clarke had to admit she couldn't wait to see Bellamy be a full-time dad. Back at their house, where Octavia, Ciara, and Lincoln had come to stay with them for a week because Octavia just really wanted to be there when Clarke popped and seeing as she was due by the end of the week, she figured now is a good a time as any. Ciara was all tired out from tonight and Bellamy had taken the full liberty of tucking her into bed and singing her a lullaby, when he walked out to see Clarke standing by the door, he went directly for a hug, "your going to be such a great dad" she whispered in his ear with a kiss to the cheek, "and your going to be a fantastic mom" he whispered back smiling at her before pecking her lips. Clarke's painful screams filled the hospital room as she gave one last push, "it's a girl!" Exclaimed the doctor as Clarke smiled lazily with not much energy left, "you did it princess" Bellamy smiled kissing her forehead as they handed her the new baby girl. "She's perfect" Clarke whispered to no one in particular, "hey there sweetie" she whispered to her daughter as she caught her finger into her little fists, both Clarke and Bellamy gave a small laugh at the little girl. Needless to say that Bellamy was a great dad and all thanks to his little niece Ciara.

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