Something that can heel

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Requested by @MeganDare hope you like it

When she found out she didn't know what to do, I mean they were dating and for something like this to suddenly happen? What if he hates me?! The thoughts in her mind were explosive threw out the entire week, she found out not too long ago about her pregnancy and was debating on how to tell him, but when she did her worst nightmares came true, "you have to get rid of it" he said with a stern face not wavering once, "what?! You can't be serious Bell!" She began to cry, "dead serious Clarke, I'm not ready to be a dad, and you're not ready to be a mom either, it's better to do it now before it's too late and the baby actually begins to grow other organs besides the heart" she was crying endlessly how could he even say something like that, "how can you even say that it's a baby, bell! Our baby" she cried, "Clarke I don't want this either, if I had the resources I would come here and beat myself up for even suggesting this to you, I know it hurts but we can't keep it" his eyes softened but it was still not enough to make her feel any better. She ran out crying to Raven and ended up living with her for the next nine months, the only person that supported her in this aside from the rest of her friends, and yet all she wanted was Bellamy's support no one else's, the question was why? Bellamy would never in his right mind say that! And yet he did. Nine months later and Clarke was on a hospital bed screaming in agony, Raven calls Bellamy and tells him she's gone into labor and he rushes to her side, "hold on there's another baby" the doctor said as Clarke kept pushing, by the time Bellamy made it there the babies where out in the nursery, he rushed to Clarke's side seeing her week and exhausted on the bed, Raven left them alone for a bit so they could talk but before he even got a word out the babies were brought back to their mother's arms and the nurse left, Clarke looked at him almost as if she was spaced out, and that was enough to bring him to his knees and cry for forgiveness, "why?" She asked silently over his loud apologies, "honestly, I was scared, I didn't want to lose you like I lost my mom, I wouldn't be able to live with myself, I was dying inside, part of me was so damn happy about it that it could have exploded and the other part of me was scared for dear life, your life" he cried, "I didn't want you to get rid of them, but the other part of me thought it would be the safest way to still have you here, I was selfish and an idiot for even suggesting something I knew deep down I didn't want" he cried and she smiled, "Bell, you should have told me instead of braking my heart" she whispered "I know" he said looking down in shame, "I don't even deserve to be here right now asking for forgiveness, you deserve better than me" he let another tear drop, "Bellamy" he quickly snapped his face up to look at her, "wanna meet your sons?" She smiled making him smile back at the floor with a small chuckle, "yes" he whispered carefully reaching the bed to lock his eyes on the two little bundles of blue blankets and small faces, they cried together and decided to start over forgetting any past pain or worry and became the small happy family they both desperately needed.

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