What their future holds

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The first time they imagined a future together they were drunk in a bar and laughing like two mental patients. The first time they kissed he tripped and as he tried to pull away and apologize for his clumsiness, she pulled his lips back down to her by his shirt. That same kiss led to them having sex that night, which they both described as mind blowing but obviously not out loud, that was until their friends questioned them separately about what happened that night. By the end of that same week Clarke couldn't keep one single piece of food down, everything she ate came right back up, "Clarke we should get you a test" Octavia had told her as she held her hair back while she vomited, Clarke agreed and that's when everything started to get complicated... Bellamy was going to ask Clarke to be his girlfriend that night during dinner, as they finished their food and began setting up for a movie on the living room, Clarke had made Bellamy stop short exactly ten seconds away from him asking her that important question. "Bell I'm pregnant" her voice was nervous and scared and she couldn't even look him in the eye, Bellamy walked up right in front of her lifting her face for their eyes to meet, she stared at him nervously and he just stared at her sweetly, he placed a sweet and soft kiss on her lips "you're not mad?" She asked shyly, "I'm kind of bummed that this didn't happen after you became my girlfriend or my wife but, as long as it's with you, I don't give a damn about when it happens" he smiled at her and she released a small chuckle before pecking his lips and hugging him tightly. Months passed, they had to deal with cravings and mood swings, lots of shopping for maternity clothes and things they were gonna need once the baby arrived, at the moment Clarke was five months along and they have already moved into a new house not too far from their friends and workplaces, currently decorating their baby's room with murals of stuffed bears and baby blocks and other baby toys, the blankets in the crib were a bright aqua and so were the other baby stuff like the feeding chair, car seat, etc. they were really happy and decided to leave all of the main clothes shopping for when the baby was born since they want the gender to be a surprise, however they bought only two outfits for when the baby is born, one for each gender and a few neutral color onesies for when they go clothes shopping for the baby. Four months later Clarke gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, she held her in her arms crying at the small beauty in her arms, "she's perfect" she said as another tear made its way down her face, "and she's all ours" Bellamy added while smiling at both his girlfriend and daughter. After dressing the small girl they gave her back to Clarke were they laid on the hospital bed looking at the small cutie between them, Clarke was softly stroking her daughter's face with her index finger, Bellamy thought it was as good a time as any to ask her, "Clarke" he whispered getting her attention as her index finger kept stroking mindlessly on her daughter's body, "Clarke, I love you and I really want to spend the rest of my life with you, and as much as I know you wish for this one moment to be one of the biggest romantic gestures of your life, all I can give you is this, a man who's been helplessly in love with you sense the second he met you, who will never stop loving you, who will always fight for you, who will always protect you and the child we now have in more ways than one, a man who would beg on his hands and knees for you, a man who is giving you everything he can, his heart, his feelings, all of him! So, Clarke, would you make this man even happier than what you've already made him today by turning him into a father, even happier for the rest of his life by marrying him?" He pulled out the ring, no box, just a ring and as Clarke's eyes watered and she was about to answer, their daughter squeezed her index finger making a squeaky sound making them both look down and smile, "so what do you say, princess?" He asked holding the ring closer to her face, she smiled wide cupping his cheek with her left hand and bringing him closer to kiss his lips, once they parted she nodded wildly and tears were staining her face as she whispered, "yes, yes, oh god yes" she laughed and so did he as he placed the ring on her finger, they kissed one last time before repositioning themselves so all three of them could cuddle.

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