Wedding chaos

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Requested by @Jatzy1014 lamento que me tomó tanto tiempo, espero que te guste

Chaos, chaos, that's all that surrounded them, all you could see in the heat of the mess was cake being flung everywhere towards angry people as everyone seemed to get angrier by the second, and that's the last thing the young bride ever expected would happen on her wedding day but there she stood watching her special day waste away over one drunk ass who just loved to ruin everything and anything precious to her family whenever he could. To be fair her parents have many enemies but today it was just their drunk ass of a "friend" who decided to come into their daughters wedding only to ruin it completely, so there she stood on the altar, a crying bride by the name of Levi Blake, she could see her dad from afar yelling at the one at fault for ruining his little girl's wedding, in the heat of all this chaos her handsome groom took her hand and whisked her away towards the large gardens behind the building where he had told the priest to wait for them so he could properly marry them without any more of that chaos staining the beauty on her face, The young girl smiled happily at her groom as they joined hands, you could still see the silent thank you's she told him through her watery eyes as he smiled at her, "you may now kiss the bride" was all she could hear before her lover's lips planted on hers, as they parted she softly asked "you sure you can handle this?" Referring to her chaotic family, "yeah that's not going to change my love for you" the young man smiled at his bride before wrapping her in his arms and placing yet another passionate kiss on her lips. In the distance, two figures watched in silence as the young couple enjoyed their happy ending with proud smiles on their faces, "really takes you back huh?" She asked with nostalgia on her voice, "I still remember how you flipped off your mom" he chuckled, "I still remember your face when I walked down the isle" she smiled and so did he, "promises were made that day but most importantly I have you" they smiled at each other before locking their lips in a passionate kiss, "I remember our wedding kiss, and every other kiss we shared but none were as sweet as the one that marked our union" he said after they parted as he held her tight in his strong arms, "when you say those things it just makes me want to marry you all over again" she gave a small giggle, "like hell! If we're ever repeating anything and I mean anything from that day, it's gonna be our honeymoon princess" he smirked watching her cheeks heat up making her hit his shoulder in embarrassment before they focused their attention back on their little princess, "you think she'll be ok?" She asked her loving husband "she's our little girl Clarke, she'll be just fine" they smiled standing there in their embrace with nothing but pride and their intense love to fill the nights' atmosphere.

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