You're Worth It

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Requested by @goulddigers_squadd , this one definitely took more writing because she requested with more of a theme in mind and no exact details & it was a great writing challenge so I definitely enjoyed putting all the pieces together, anyway I hope you enjoy :)

It was a pretty ordinary day for Clarke, she gave her third grade art class with ease talking about color creation, it only lasted about an hour in a half until it was finally lunch time, truth be told she loved her homeroom, though one particular kid always seemed to worry her, usually young Luca would always stay inside for lunch, even after the last school bell rang he would stay seated in his spot next to the windows and wait until every student was almost gone to eventually go home, however these actions never went by unnoticed by Clarke, she worried about him, he never really smiled much either, he was quiet and non problematic yet somehow he would sometimes come back with bandages wrapped around his hand or neck, but whenever someone asked he said it was nothing and walked off, Clarke has been observing this pattern for one year now, at first she didn't want to do anything in hopes it would stop but she couldn't really sit back and watch anymore. "Hey Luca, aren't you going for lunch?" she asked nearing the boy who lifted his head from his hand only up to his nose, "no" he said with his quiet voice, granted if there were kids around she wouldn't have heard him at all "Luca you have to eat something" she smiled and dug into her bag to take out her lunch, this being the spaghetti Bellamy cooked the night before, "here, I want you to eat every last bite ok! no skipping out on meals" he looked at her, then the plate and hesitantly took the meal with a mumbled 'thank you' she smiled at him and walked back to the teacher lounge. Eventually the school day ended and all the kids had gone home, only the teachers and janitors left, before Clarke left she went back to her classroom to grab her keys she left in her desk drawer to be surprised by a sleeping Luca at the end of the room, 'what on earth is he still doing here?' she thought with a worried pout, "Luca?" she shook him awake making him hum, "Luca why are you still at school?" she asked worriedly, "Dad Doesn't want to see me" he mumbled putting his head back in his hands "what?" she questioned again but the young boy only mumbled in response making her sigh 'how could you just abandon your kid in school?!' she thought worriedly "Luca" she shook him awake once more, he looked up at her with groggy eyes "you wanna come home with me?" she offered and he responded with a soft nod making her smile, "come on" she offered her hand which he took slowly standing from the chair and walking behind her.

"I'm home" Bellamy called into their well lit apartment smelling the scent of Chicken and smoked vegetables "hey honey" Clarke called out from the kitchen as Bellamy rounded the corner to see a small boy sitting at their dinner table "um, hi?" Bellamy said unsure of what was happening at the moment, "hi" came the quiet response of the young boy "Bell this is my student Luca, Luca this is my husband Bellamy" she beamed placing the dinner on the table, "he was left at school" she told him, "wow! never heard of a kid liking school so much" he smiled seeing the boy give small quiet giggle at his comment. "So Luca, why did you stay for an overnight slumber at school?" Bellamy asked casually in the middle of their dinner, "Dad doesn't want to see me" he repeated quietly making Bellamy look at Clarke seeing the reason why he was truly here now, Bellamy looked back at the small boy "what do you mean he doesn't want to see you? he's your dad, I'm sure he's worried about you" he added seeing the boy shake his head at his remark, "trust me, he's not" he added shoving a piece of broccoli in his mouth.

After dinner Bellamy and Clarke just decided to lighten the mood for young Luca and watched some movies in the living room, Bellamy helped Luca build a fort out of the couch and Clarke brought blankets for everyone, eventually Luca fell sound asleep giving the couple a chance to talk "What did he mean Clarke?" Bellamy looked at his wife worriedly while she petted the sleeping boys head, "I don't really know, he said the same thing to me and I couldn't really leave him there" she sighed "he doesn't even eat lunch, he just sits in the classroom all day, I'm worried Bell" she added making her husband nod in understanding. This went on for about a month, eventually Clarke was fed up with Lucas irresponsible father, truth be told she knew his mother died a few years back in an accident, it was on his record, but that doesn't mean you could neglect your child, so she did what any responsible caring adult should, she called social services. The agents came and got Luca to bring him home and evaluate what was really happening, but he wouldn't go anywhere without her so she tagged along.

The second the doorbell was rang Luca started to shake in fear as they heard a grumble from the other side of the door, once the door swung open the agents stepped "Sir is this your son?" they asked holding forward a shaking Luca, Clarke watched worriedly seeing how he was reacting, but nothing ever prepared her for the display she was about to witness, "you caused TROUBLE AGAIN DIDN"T YOU SCUM?!" the older man yelled at the boy who had tears falling and a shaking form, Clarke walked forward to Distance Luca away from him but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Lucas father grab the boys collar and bringing him inside "SIR!" the agents yelled "ALL YOU DO IS BRING TROUBLE WHEREVER YOU GO! YOU'RE NOT WORTH THE TIME" he chuckled pulling out his leather belt preparing to hit the terrified child. All that was heard was the sound of the belt slapping skin, Lucas eyes were shut and teary but slowly opened when he realized he didn't feel the hit but instead the weight of a larger body, when he fully opened his eyes he saw the agents arresting his father and his teacher asking him something although he wasn't listening until now "Luca!" she shook him "are you ok?" she asked worriedly as he nodded and cried into her shoulder "why would you do that?" he cried, she slowly broke their hug before lifting his face "because, you're worth it Luca" she smiled making him cry harder.

Eventually his father was taken away by the police, and the social services agents took him back to their car "whats going to happen to him?" Clarke asked the agent "well he'll be processed and probably be bouncing around homes until he's found a suitable one" he answered "Does he have to? can't someone directly take him in?" she pressed "well if someone responsible offers to foster him until he's found a more suitable home then yes, but that would have to be talked to with my superior" he answered before getting in the car, she looked at Luca who stared back at her with lifeless eyes. The boy was eventually taken to the agency for a few hours, unknowingly this entire time, someone else was arranging for his new home, at least until he's adopted. Soon came night time and Luca was brought into an office with an older man "well Luca seems you're one lucky kid, we've already found a place for you to stay in, normally this takes weeks" the older man chuckled "thats fine" he responded lifelessly "You will be staying with this nice young couple for now, I think you'll really like them" the man smiled before opening the door to reveal Clarke and Bellamy waiting for him making his eyes widen "hey kid" Bellamy smiled "wanna go home?" he asked making the kid nod and run to them crying with joy. 

A year passed and Luca was definitely in a better mood, he's been more interactive now, and that definitely made Clarke happy to see, she couldn't wait to tell him the big news later tonight, she couldn't help but think back to her and Bellamys conversation last night. "I think we should adopt him Bell" she said cuddling deeper into his embrace "No objections here, he's a good kid, he already calls us mom and dad sometimes, so I don't think it'll affect him negatively" he chuckled making her smile "well it has been a year that he's been with us, so I don't think he can help it" she smiled; and so that afternoon Bellamy went to pick them up, "hey bud" he greeted "how was school?" he smiled seeing the boy get in the car happily "school was great" he said with a wide smile, after everyone was in the car they started to drive back to the agency, "so Luca we were thinking" Clarke started "we really love having you around" Bell continued "and we thought that maybe, you'd wanna make this your permanent home" Clarke finished looking back at the surprised boy "so what do you think bud? would you let us adopt you?" Bellamy added looking at him through the rear view mirror "you know make this hole mom & dad thing official?" he asked "are-re you serious?!" he asked surprised seeing they had just finished parking at the agency "well if you allow us to sign the certificate then yes, only if you want to of cour-" Clarke was soon cut off by a loud "YEAH!" he smiled as they got off the car hugging them both tightly, "well alright then, let's go sign" Bellamy added as they walked into the building, soon coming out as the beginning of their new happy family.

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