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Requested by the100bellarke0 Hope you like it
"Are you kidding me?!" She mumbled to herself as she saw her little girl smiling wildly at her father with a camera in hand, "I swear to god she'll be more photogenic than Octavia if you keep treating her like this" she chuckled, "hey I'm trying to capture precious memories here" he huffed making her snort, "bell every three to five seconds?" She raised her eyebrow at him, "you never know the faces this little angel will make, and she might not repeat them ever again" he snapped another picture making their little girl giggle even more, "somehow I doubt that, and I think now I know why Octavia is so obsessed with her selfies" she said getting a sudden notification on her phone, she pulled it out to see a new selfie posted by Octavia herself, "speaking of the Queen herself" she laughed to herself before joining her family on the bed and grabbing a hold of her baby girl and blowing raspberries on her small tummy making her giggle even louder, Bellamy quickly snapped another picture of his girls laughing at it softly noticing that neither Clarke or baby Peyton had noticed his doing and yet it was the best picture he had ever taken of them both, "you're just a big ball of sunshine" Clarke whispered to her laughing daughter smiling sweetly down at her, "pretty sure you both are" she looked at Bellamy with a sweet smile seeing he had one of his own plastered on his face she quickly kissed it and smiled as they parted slowly returning her attention to their daughter who was done laughing and starting to fall asleep, "Let's take her to her crib" she whispered to him but he made a stopping sign at her which confused her a bit, that was until she looked down at her cute little angel and smiled before hearing the camera snap one last picture, "now we can take her to her crib" he chuckled and she rolled her eyes, after they tucked her in they started to roam the pictures Bellamy had taken, "at this rate we'll have endless photo albums of baby Payton" she chuckled, "just admit it, you love the pictures" he smirked and she smiled, "yeah, I don't think I'll be able to stop seeing her that way, even when she's a teen" she chuckled, "and considering I'm one crazy overprotective dad I'll never stop seeing her that way ever" he laughed, "she's our little girl, that will never change".

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