First bike ride

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Bellamy is a good dad, a great one, in fact, little Casey is only 4 and she's the light of his eyes. Such a daddy's girl, he constantly spoils her, trying to give her the world and the stars if he could and all he ever wants in return is to see that cute smile on her face all the time. He hates seeing her cry, it brakes him to see her upset and when she's mad he makes her laugh so he can hear her giggle. They go together like the clouds in the sky, you can even say he practically conceived her on his own and that she doesn't have a mom, which is untrue, Clarke is just more the parent to remind you to brush your teeth or wash your hands, however it doesn't mean Casey loves her any less. As for today the little girl was learning how to ride a bike, "daddy don't let go" she said scared, "don't worry baby girl I won't let go" he assured holding the bike up, "promise?" She said with big puppy dog eyes, "I promise" he smiled, "pinky promise?" She extended her pinky towards him with a pouting face, "pinky promise" he laced their pinkies together before she started pedaling, "I'm doing it, I'm doing it!" She smiled, "daddy look! I'm doing it!" She squealed, "I know I can see you!" He yelled from the end of the sidewalk, unfortunately for him he pinky promised... "Daddy?" She said in a sad tone before falling off the bike and crashing against a tree. "CASEY!" He screamed running towards his little girl as she balled her eyes out, once he got there all he saw was Casey with a scratch on her knee and her tears streaming from her face and staining her cheeks. He took her and the bike back to the house where Clarke patched her up, "there you go sweetheart, everything is going to be fine" she said kissing her knee making Casey weakly smile back, "I'm gonna finish dinner ok?" Bellamy nodded at his wife as she disappeared into the kitchen, but once he looked down he saw his daughter still letting tears drop from her eyes, he kneeled down in front of her, "I'm sorry little princess, but you would have never learned how to ride if I didn't let go" he said whipping her tears away, "but you promised daddy" she said quietly as more tears dropped from her face, "you pinky promised" she whimpered, and that just broke him "I know baby, I know" he said as he hugged her tightly and kissed her head. "I'll never break another promise to you again" he said holding her tightly against his chest as she silently whimpered until falling asleep

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