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Requested by the100bellarke0 Hope you like it

"Mommy who's this?" She pointed at the chubby baby in the picture from the album she pulled out of one of the boxes while they unpacked. They were currently moving into the new apartment closer to the city and there were boxes in every corner of the apartment, Clarke chuckled at her daughter who was looking at her own baby album, "sweetie that's you" she said picking up a box and placing it on the countertop since it was full of plates and silverware, "really? Why am I so chubby?" She asked with eyes of curiosity just as Bellamy walked in with the last boxes, "who's chubby?" He asked placing the boxes on the coffee table in the living room where their daughter Caroline sat looking at her baby pictures, "me" she said pointing at her baby picture showing her dad, he smiled and chuckled at his little girl, "yeah I remember that day everyone was so obsessed with your chubbiness they wouldn't stop poking you or pinching you, especially your aunt" he laughed, "auntie O?" She asked with even more curiosity, "yeah, she was the only one you would let pinch and poke you happily, aside from her you would cry your eyes out at everyone else" Clarke chuckled with a smile sitting down beside her daughter and husband on the floor, "remember when she insisted it was because of a 'special niece and auntie bond'" he laughed and Caroline smiled at the picture, Clarke wrapped her arm around her while raking her hand through her daughter's hair soothingly. "That day you were so exhausted out of all the attention you were getting you fell asleep hoping everyone would stop fussing over you" Clarke chuckled, "and it worked until you woke up and everyone was all over you again, so instead you started crying trying to get everyone away from you" Bellamy chuckled, "after that we all agreed that the only one that could ever touch your chubbiness was O" Clarke laughed, "well she made it a rule after she ripped you from my arms, 'nobody gets to touch my baby niece's chubbiness but me, can't you see your upsetting her'" Bellamy mocked in a high pitched voice making the girls laugh, "so I was a chubby baby?" She asked with a smile, "the chubbiest, cutest baby in the world" Clarke said while tickling her making Caroline fall back with a stream of giggles falling from her mouth, Bellamy looked at his girls and smiled, the girls saw him and smirked at one another, "what are you smiling at?" Clarke asked just as they both jumped him and started to tickle him, not that it worked for long since grabbed them both in a tight hug and kissed their faces making them giggle, "daddy stop" Caroline giggled just as he stopped and gave her a kiss on the crown of her head and Clarke a peck on the lips, "alright we should get back to unpacking now" Clarke laughed as they all got up, Caroline went to unpack in her new room and just as Clarke was standing up, he slapped her bum making her shriek in surprise, when she turned around he was smirking up at her from the floor, "what was that for?!" She asked with a scrunched up face, "no reason, just figured out where she got her chubbiness from" he chuckled while standing up and wrapping his arms around her and giving her a long passionate kiss as her cheeks flared bright red at his comment making him smile into the kiss, they stayed like that for a bit he kept holding her close before they decided to go back to unpacking the boxes.

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