So Close

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"SHIT SHIT SHIT, IM SO SCREWED" he told himself in panic as he ran down the long hallways "she's gonna kill me!" He yelled at himself. As Bellamy ran down the hospitals' hallways Clarke was screaming her heart out "IM GONNA KILL HIM!" She yelled as she kept pushing, "that's it I almost see the head" the doctor told her as she kept pushing, "DAMN IT BELLAMY!" She screamed with her last push of the evening and it was all quickly replaced with the sounds of a crying baby, "congratulations it's a boy" the doctor smiled as he handed her, her newborn son while he slowly silence once in his mother's arms, "shh, hi baby" she smiled down at him while he gurgled a bit and wrapped his small fist around her finger. "I'm so dead" he kept repeating in his head as he reached the last turn... But I'm getting ahead of myself, let's go back a bit, shall we? It was June 15 and Clarke was 9 months pregnant and ready to pop at any given moment, today her and Bellamy were just enjoying a day at home since he didn't have work today, and that's when it happened...right in the middle of the Daffy and Donald Duck piano showdown in the movie 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?' "Bell?" she said calmly at first and he hummed still looking at the tv screen, "BELL!" She suddenly yelled as the first contraction hit her like a truck and she crushed his wrist, "Shit! Clarke are you ok?" He asked panicked as the contraction finished, "no you dumb ass I'm having a baby over here!" She yelled at him as she tried breathing in slowly, "Ohh ok" he said not yet processing his wife's words, "wait WHAT?!" He yelled as another contraction hit, "Damn it Bellamy I'm having a baby, and it wants ouuut!" She howled the last part at the wave of pain, "ok ok just relax and keep breathing" he said trying to show her how to breathe, "BELLAMY I KNOW HOW TO BREATHE! JUST TAKE THE BAG TO THE CAR AND TAKE ME TO THE DAMN HOSPITAL ALREADY DAMN IIIIT!" She bit her lip as another contraction, the baby was definitely coming out today and fast. "Ok yeah yeah" he said frantically looking for the bag, "ugh" she huffed in pain, "ok let's get you to the car" he helped her to the passenger seat, unfortunately, luck was not on their side today because there was a major traffic jam, "SHIT!" She breathed as Bellamy honked at the unmoving cars, "OH COME ON! I HAVE WIFE IN LABOR HERE PEOPLE!" Clarke was still trying to control her breathing threw out the pain. After almost twenty-five minutes of being stuck, they were finally on their way to the hospital. In the hospital they immediately took Clarke to the maternity wing, however they stopped Bellamy dead in his tracks, "I'm sorry sir but you have to fill out the hospital admission before joining your wife, it's hospital policy" the nurse gave him an apologetic look and he just sighed, "fine where do I fill them out?" He asked and she just looked even more apologetic, "on the other side of the building" she scrunched her face and his eyes widened "what?!" She honestly felt horrible having to tell this to every future mom's mate, "I'm truly sorry sir, but the booth that is supposed to work on this side of the hospital is still under development, he sighed again giving up and asking her for directions, she apologized again for the last time before he gave her a reassuring smile and told her not to worry because he knew it wasn't her fault. However, on the hospital room, Clarke's endless screams were almost heard in the other side of the city, "God please just get it out of me already!!!" She screamed "sorry miss but you're not fully dilated yet" the doctor said as she sighed and plopped her head back down on the pillow, however it didn't take long until she was ready to push, "ready and push" as she pushed she let out millions of curse words in the process out of all the pain she was in "where's Bellamy she cried between two very painful pushes, while Bellamy was running as fast as he could trying to make it back in time. "SHIT SHIT SHIT, IM SO SCREWED" he told himself in panic as he ran down the long hallways "she's gonna kill me!" He yelled at himself. As Bellamy ran down the hospitals' hallways Clarke was screaming her heart out "IM GONNA KILL HIM!" She yelled as she kept pushing, "DAMN IT BELLAMY!" She screamed with her last push, "I'm so dead" he kept repeating in his head as he reached the last turn... He burst through the door breathing heavily and crying as he saw the bundle of blankets and the small fist holding onto Clarke's finger, she smiled anyway, she didn't care that he wasn't in the room to watch her yell at him for getting her pregnant and making her go through all that pain, all she cared about as that he was there for the rest of their lives together. Once he reached her bed he dropped to his knees and cried next to her mumbling endless sorries to Clarke and their new child, she slowly racked her free hand through his dark looks making her look up at her through all the tears in his eyes, "Bell it's ok, the important part is that you're here now and for the rest of our lives" she smiled at him and he smiled back pecking his lips softly, they were still smiling as they pulled apart when a sudden giggle made them look down at Clarke's arms where the small infant laid. "Hey there little guy, I'm your dad" the baby giggled again reaching out and wrapping his small hand around his father's finger making him cry with utter joy, "wanna hold him?" Clarke asked and he nodded as he sat down beside her on the bed and she straightened up a bit handing him their son, he smiled down at him and she smiled at Bellamy, he turned back to look at her with the biggest Blake smile she's ever seen, he gave her another quick kiss before turning back to their son, Clarke rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his left arm as they both looked loving at their giggling baby. It wasn't long until the cutie yawned and fell asleep in his father's arms and Clarke had actually done the same falling asleep on her husband's shoulder moments before out of all the exhaustion of birth, Bellamy chuckled at them with a bright smile, "don't worry I promise I'll never miss another important moment in our lives, ever" he whispered kissing his son's and wife's forehead. Bellamy might have not been there for the birth but he sure as hell kept his promise.

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