Autumn day

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By misssophie23 from tumblr

It had been a cold and stormy day. It was autumn, the leafs fell down on the ground, decorating it with different colors. For the whole afternoon, the rain was clutching against the windows, so Clarke pulled the blanket tighter around her and her two-year-old daughter Delilah, both were cuddling on the couch. The living room was lightened up by small and big candles, from time to time the cracking noise from the fireplace flew through the room and a pleasant growl could be heard from the floor, where their one-year-old golden retriever lady 'Ava' laid on the carpet. Yeah, they had a dog. Bellamy had convinced his wife six months ago to buy a cute little puppy.

"I will take care of it. I promise you," he told her for the fifth time in the last hour.

Clarke shook her head. "No Bellamy. A dog means a lot of work. It's like a second child.""I know that. I really do ... come on princess. Show a heart ... I mean, it's proven that kids who are growing up with a dog are better in school, they're more confident, they are as twice as often outdoors as kids who don't have a dog and they learn to take some respon-"


"What?" Bellamy frowned, totally confused by his wife's sudden shift of opinion. Did she just agree to buy a dog?

The blonde sighed, rubbing her forehead. "I said okay Bellamy. You won't stop until you get what you want. You're way too stubborn." She looked into her husband's bright grin. "You are the best," he said, embraced her into a hug and put a sweet kiss on her lips. Again the woman sighed, this time it was a quiet one, "Of course I am ... but I'm telling you if the puppy ruins the house you will have to sleep with it outside these walls, for the rest of your life."

That was the story of how Ava came into their lives and even the dog was with them since a few months only, Clarke didn't want to miss her anymore. With a small smile, her eyes went from the puppy to the book, Winnie-the-Pooh, she was reading to her daughter who flipped the page with her small fingers.

"I shall have to wait until I catch up with it," said Winnie-the-Pooh. "Now, look there." He pointed to the ground in front of him. "What do you see there?"

"Tracks," said Piglet. "Paw-marks." He gave a little squeak of excitement. "Oh, Pooh! Do you think it's a–a–a Woozle?" "It may be," said Pooh. "Sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn't. You never can tell with paw- marks."

With these few words he went on tracking, and Piglet, after watching him for a minute or two, ran after him. Winnie-the-Pooh had come to a sudden stop and was bending over the tracks in a puzzled sort of way.

"What's the matter?" asked Piglet. "It's a very funny thing," said the Bear, "but there seem to be two animals now. The-"

"they are theirs," Delilah squeaked, putting her finger on the picture where Pooh and Piglet where watching their own footprints, turning her head to see her mother's nodding. "Yeah, you're right. But they didn't know yet," Clarke explained to her giggling daughter and was about to read further as they heard the front door got open.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy!" The little blonde girl screamed, struggling out of the blanket, crawling from the couch and running to the hallway Ava close on her heels. Clarke smiled as she watched her daughter running to her father. She closed the book with a little sigh, stroking her belly with the thought that she had to tell Bellamy tonight and got up to follow the two little girls.Bellamy was just in the door as he heard his daughter and the puppy running towards him. He managed to put away his bag and going on his knees just in time, to lift the blonde girl up into his arms. Delilah put her tiny arms around her father's neck, having her biggest smile on her face. "Hey sunshine," the black haired man laughed, snuggling his face into her neck and giving her a kiss on her cheek seconds later.

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