Not in front of the baby!

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It's been 2 weeks in the hospital of Clarke's strength recovery after all giving birth is nothing but painful. She still remembers how it all went down. "Push Mrs. Blake" the doctor instructed over Clarke's screaming, "come on princess you can do it!" Bellamy pressed from beside her having his hand crushed by hers. "SHUT UP BELL!" She screamed "I AM NEVER LETTING YOU TOUCH ME AGAIN! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" She kept screaming "yes princess whatever you say" he said chuckling a bit, "YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY! IM GETTING DISFIGURED AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT ASS HOLE!" She kept screaming as she pushed out her child. "One more push Mrs. Blake" the doctor said as Clarke gave her last push screaming loudly until all that was heard was the crying of a small infant. Clarke was panting out of breath and sweaty, but smiling at the sight of her newborn child. "Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Blake it's a boy" the doctor said handing their baby to Bellamy. Bellamy stared at his son as he handed him to Clarke. As soon as he was in Clarke's arms he opened his eyes to reveal a deep blue, causing his parents to smile. Bellamy placed a kiss on Clarke's head and their son caught his finger in his little fist. They both looked at him with love and tenderness in their eyes.

Yes, it was quite the memory. But now it's been two weeks since then and Clarke's stomach has deflated back to its flat self, and their little boy is quite the sleeper. "Bell we have to name him before we leave" Clarke said from the bed were she and their son laid. "I know princess, any names you thought yet?" He asked sitting beside her and their baby "what about James?" She asked looking up from their child "James Blake? Sounds good" he said smiling widely at her as he received a smile from her back "James Blake it is" she stated smiling and Bellamy kissed her lips sweetly, slowly breaking apart as they heard the small squeak from James' mouth they looked down at him where he laid cuddled to his mother. They both chuckled at their little boy and cuddled together as a family.They waited a few more hours for the doctor to release them and to finish filling out the paperwork of James' official name. When they finally got home Clarke was too tired to even stand. They made their way to James' room and placed him on his crib. They moved to their bedroom and dropped down on the bed with a sigh. "Are you really never going to let me touch you again?" Bellamy asked more as joke than anything else "what! What are you talking about?" Clarke asked completely confused "I'm talking about you saying that you were never going to let me touch again while you were giving birth" he stated smirking. "Bellamy I was giving birth, there's no telling what a woman says when they give birth and besides I don't think I can go that long without you touching me. Have you met yourself? You're the definition of horny" she chuckled. He hovered over her placing his weight on his elbows. "Am I now?" He smirked, she just kept laughing "yes, yes you are, but I love you just the way you are" she smiled. "You better, cause you're stuck with me" he smirked wider. She giggled "just shut up and kiss me already" she said still giggling as he pressed his lips sweetly against hers. They broke apart when they heard James crying, Bellamy grunted and Clarke chuckled at her husband's selfishness "I'll be right back Bell and calm down he's probably hungry" she giggled walking out of their room and into the baby's room. "But I want some Clarke time" he wined walking behind her "then you should have thought of that before getting me pregnant" she said rolling her eyes at him "that WAS ALL I was thinking about at that moment" he smirked. "Bell! Not around the baby!" She scolded him "calm down he won't know what I'm talking about until he's a teenager" he kept that smirk on his face "stop smirking!" She said sitting down as she breastfed James. "Kind of hard to do with this view" he kept the smirk on his face "Bellamy Blake stop being so horny for once in the presence of your child" she scolded him "ok ok I'll stop for now" he said still not losing that smirk. Clarke set James back on his crib and began to cover up "don't do that" Bellamy whined "Bellamy" she said in a warning tone as she walked back to their room. "Now can I have some Clarke time?" He asked with a pouty face "fine! Just seriously promise me you will stop doing that in front of James" she begged. "Anything for my princess" he smirked and she smiled pulling his head down to seal their lips together in a passionate kiss.

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