First Birthday

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Requested by the100bellarke0 Hope you like it
It was little Vince's first birthday, he was ecstatic, running around like every single one-year-old in this party, having his father run after him because Clarke was eight months pregnant and not really in any condition to be running around. The little rascal ran towards his mom having her pick him up as he yelled "cake!" Over and over like a chant making his parents laugh, everyone surrounded the birthday cake as they all sang the little boy happy birthday with cheer, and after taking all the family pictures by the cake, having little Vince stare at his cake intently in every single one, there was no doubt the boy wanted cake, afterward the cake was served for everyone to enjoy a slice and Clarke was relaxing by the glass doors to the house when she felt her other baby kick, "Bell come here!" She called over her husband as he grabbed his little boy's hand leading him back to her, when they got there Clarke placed Bellamy's hand on her round stomach where he felt the baby kick and they smiled, however, little Vince was entirely confused until he put his hand on his mother's tummy and felt the kick "Baby?" He asked with pure curiosity in his eyes while his parents smiled at him and nodded making him smile wide. As the day came to an end the little boy had tired himself out and was currently sleeping between his parents on their bed while they watched a movie, "you think he had fun?" Bellamy asked with a smile, that small sound made the little boy turn to his mom and hug her belly in his sleep while he whispered "baby sister" and smiled as his snores took over his words, "I'm sure he did" Clarke smiled back as she wrapped her arms around her son and Bellamy wrapped his arms around her cuddling all together as the sleep slowly took over their eyes.

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