Like father like son

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Walking home from a long day of work seems like the piece of heaven that Clarke needed at the moment, especially since she really missed her small little family, it's always a constant everyday thought on her head and all she wants is to be around her two favorite boys all day and all night, however once she walked through her front door today she wasn't greeted with the exited three-year-old and happy husband as always, it was odd and silent except for the faint sound of the tv which still hasn't reached her ear, "guys, I'm home" she said to the silent house and yet nobody responded 'that's odd, Bell's car is outside' she said to herself "Bell? Rin?" She yelled as she finally made it to their living room, to catch sight of the two boys in nothing but underwear and dipper sound asleep on the couch as the tv played in the background, she smiled internally laughing to herself as she let out a chuckle, she carefully got closer not wanting to wake up their baby boy and sat right next to her husband gently rubbing and patting his chest as she whispered his name in his ear to wake him up, "Bell, wake up babe" he groaned a bit after the third time she said that and slowly woke up "hey, welcome home" he said pecking her lips before sitting back on the sofa, "I'll take Rin to his room" she smiled carrying her little boy to his bed and making it back to the living room to see Bellamy stretching, "so how was your day?" He asked with a small smile as she stood in front of him "it was great" she said placing her left leg around one side of his legs, "a free stress day" she smiled as she placed her right leg around the other side of his legs and sat down on his lap with a small smile, he smiled at her pulling her in for a long passionate kiss, as they pulled away their smiles where evident on their faces as they cuddled up together in the sofa, "I missed you and Rin" she said closing her eyes as she listens to his heartbeat, "he's becoming more and more like you by the looks of it" she whispered, "why do you say that?" He chuckled, "because of the way you were both when I got home" she chuckled and so did he, "what can I say, like father like son" he let out another small chuckle, "yeah, no doubt about that" she smiled before they both dozed off to sleep on the couch.

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