Mornings like these

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She woke up that morning searching the bed for her husband lazily with her hand only to find herself with a very small body belonging to their little girl, she slowly got up and saw that replacing her husband was her daughter cuddling up to her like a puppy, she smiled softly and whispered to her trying to wake her but the small cutie wouldn't budge which made her smile wider honestly, if there's one thing Clarke can't resist is her little five-year-old girl. Knowing the cutie wouldn't be waking up she picked her up a bit and kissed her forehead finally succeeding in waking her "mama?" The small girl said in a groggy voice, "you hungry?" Clarke asked only getting a small nod in response making her chuckle while she stood up with little Levi in her arms and walked out towards the kitchen where she found her loving husband serving breakfast, she slowly walked up to him and kissed his naked back making him turn around with a smile and plant a kiss on her lips as well as one on their daughter's forehead "hungry?" He asked only getting a nod from his sleeping princess making him chuckle much like his wife, "she's just like you" he told Clarke wrapping one arm around her and kissing the top of her head "I can't deny that" she giggled before walking over to the table and placing the sleepy child on her chair, "alright we got scrambled eggs with turkey bacon for the little lady" Bellamy said placing the plate in front of his daughter and pinching her cheek making her smile, "buttermilk pancakes with strawberries for the princess" he said placing the other plate in front of his loving wife making her smile when he kissed the top of her head "and both for me" he smirked sitting down and placing his food on the table, "sometimes I feel like you do this to either tease me or show off" Clarke smirked at Bellamy as he looked up at her with a knowing smirk, "honestly a bit of both, but it's not like you complain" she kept the smirk on her face as she responded "well the view of your back while you cook and the view of your muscles when you serve the food, I don't really need to complain do I?" She laughed a bit but his smirk only grew with his next words "you do know you get a full HD panoramic view of every single one of my muscles at night right" she blushed at his words as she told him to shut up and began to eat her food, the young girl next to her took her first scoop of scrambled eggs into her mouth with a content smile as she chewed "so runny" she let out in a satisfied moan at the food as she kept eating, honestly mornings like these is what they lived for.

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