Anything but identical

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It's been 8 months since Clarke gave birth to Xavier & Delilah. It was a big surprise the day they found out they were having twins and an even bigger surprise when they were born and turned out to be anything but identical. Xavier was born first, physically a hard born copy of his father with the same chocolaty brown puppy eyes and hair, however, his curls were a bit tamer than his father's, receiving that from his mother's DNA. Delilah was born a few minutes later, physically a hard born copy of her mother with the same golden blond curls and sky blue puppy eyes, although her curls were a bit wilder than her mother's, receiving that from her father's DNA. Yes these twins were anything but identical, Xavier was bold and adventures and Delilah was shy and quiet, the only time when they would be identical is when they were stubborn. When they would refuse to eat, or take a bath, or even when they don't want to take their scheduled naps. Today the happy set of parents decided to spend the day with their little troublemakers, well they weren't troublemakers but it was just a cute way to refer to their little bundles of joy. Clarke had picked up Xavier from his spot on the floor and started to bounce him in the air, he giggled with a wide smile, an all Blake smile. Clarke pressed their foreheads together and nose kissed him, Xavier kept giggling and cupped his mothers' cheeks and kissed her. It was a quick kiss, and nothing but cute, "hey! don't take away my princess from me young man, you'll have plenty of girls to charm later in your life, but mommy is off limits" Bellamy warned his son while he was holding cute little Delilah, who covered her eyes in laughter. Bellamy turned a second to smile at his little girl when he turned back around Xavier had his head resting on his mother's chest, "hey! What did I just say?! Mommy is off limits! Besides you already had your breast time long enough! It's daddy's turn!" Bellamy pouted and Clarke laughed at her husband "aww! Is my rebel jealous of my little prince?" She asked in a joking matter & a baby voice, this caused Bellamy to roll his eyes and scoff. "I am not jealous, besides I have my little princess right here" he said diverting his gaze to a still face covered Delilah and tickled her stomach making her giggle. "But really Bell? breast time? Really? That was the best card you could play? And besides X is only cuddling with mommy, daddy and mommy cuddles are a whole lot different" she replied with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on her lips, Bellamy returned the smirk "good to know princess" he chuckled. They were having their own conversation just by staring at each other until a whinnying was heard from the twins. They snapped their heads to their children and began to sooth them. By the time they managed to calm them down they sat on the floor with the twins on their laps playing with their toys. Bellamy placed a kiss on his wife's head and held her close, while Clarke dug her face in his chest. "I love you Bell" she whispered, "I love you too Clarke" he replied leaning down to peck her lips. As soon as they went back to cuddling on the floor they just watched the kids play.Delilah was holding her stuffed bunny tightly and Xavier was playing with his teddy bear, they were yawning, sleep soon taking over their features. Xavier sat against the sofa and Delilah followed, tucking her self on her brothers' right side. Bunny and bear in hand and Delilah's head on Xavier's shoulder and Xavier's head on Delilah's. They yawned a final time in their cute little baby squeaks and at the same time Xavier said "daddy" Delilah said "mommy" and that was their last and first word before falling into a deep sleep. The moment caused Clarke and Bellamy to open their eyes in surprise. Bellamy took a nearby blanket and wrapped it around the twins, he took Clarke's hand and headed straight for the porch closing the door behind them careful not to wake up the twins. "That wasn't my imagination they both just said their first word?!" Bellamy exclaimed excitedly, "no it wasn't you, our babies said their first words! This is amazing!" She exclaimed grabbing his face and smashing their lips together, her arms went around his neck and his arms were on her waist. They slowly pulled away with big goofy grins on their faces. Bellamy kept an arm around her waist leading her back inside to get the twins back to bed, but before anything, Clarke made sure to snap a picture on her phone and made it into her new lock screen. Clarke picked up Delilah and Bellamy picked up Xavier, making their way to their rooms they set them on their cribs and wrapped them up in their blankets. Bellamy and Clarke fell asleep in the same position their kids where originally sleeping in. It was a wonder-filled day and as I said those twins are anything but identical, not even in their first words they could agree.

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